Recent content by anky2009

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    Veterinary Techniques in Llamas and Alpacas, 2e (2023)

    Thanks for the book
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    Scan Request Fundamental techniques in virology

    Fundamental techniques in virology Author(s) : Habel, K. ...
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    Request Applied animal nutrition:feeds and feeding

    Applied Animal Nutrition: Feeds and Feeding (3rd Edition)Author:Peter R. Cheeke Professor Emeritus Hardcover: 604 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3 edition (July 31, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 0131133314 ISBN-13: 978-0131133310 Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 8 x 1.1 inches...
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    Request Veterinary Pharmacology Materia Medica and Therapeutics

    AUTHOR: Howard Jay Milks ISBN: 9788187421276 YEAR: 2002 PAGES: 720 SIZE: 14.5 x 22.5 x 4 cm. BINDING: Hard LANGUAGE: English
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    Request Kumar & Clark's Medical Management And Therapeutics

    Authоr: Michael L Clark, Parveen Kumar ІSBN: 9780702049125 Date: 3.09.2012 Link to the ebook version of the book :
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    Request Veterinary Pharmacology Materia Medica and Therapeutics

    AUTHOR: Howard Jay Milks ISBN: 9788187421276 YEAR: 2002 PAGES: 720 SIZE: 14.5 x 22.5 x 4 cm BINDING: Hard LANGUAGE: English