Recent content by jizzing

  1. J

    Request does anyone have video on how to do a tplo or a TTA ?

    does anyone have video on how to do a tplo or a TTA ?
  2. J

    is there a new merck vet manual for the 10th edition?

    hi, does anyone know if there is a new website for the merck vet manual for the 10th edition? I see that the regular website is the 9th edition and that the online version is out of date.
  3. J

    for sale section

    hi, is there a for sale section/forum?
  4. J

    Tips for a speed spay in cat

    I like to use a ligasure with a force triad. makes sealing and dividing everything so much faster and no risk of the suture falling off the stumps.
  5. J

    Exclusive VIP Resources

    i wish I could be a vip, is there any job i could sign up for?
  6. J

    nope, i never did find anyone which will post it in the normal section although I do believe...

    nope, i never did find anyone which will post it in the normal section although I do believe there is a full copy in the vip section. I havent gotten access to that yet though and im not sure why the ops dont let everyone get the book from there as their mantra is that information must be kept...
  7. J

    hello, welcome to my little space on the internet.

    hello, welcome to my little space on the internet.