Recent content by makhmal

  1. makhmal


    Milk production and composition responds to dietary neutral detergent fiber and starch ratio in dairy cows. Zhao, M., Bu, D., Wang, J., Zhou, X., Zhu, D., Zhang, T., Niu, J., and Ma, L. (2016) Anim Sci J, 87: 756–766. doi: 10.1111/asj.12482.
  2. makhmal

    request from in practice

    1 Owen Atkinson Management of transition cows in dairy practice...
  3. makhmal

    Precision Livestock Farming Applications

    would you mind clear your inbox? i need to communicate with you . thanks
  4. makhmal

    An Article From Veterinary Record

  5. makhmal

    two from canadian journal of animal science

    1 Effects of dry period management on milk production, dry matter intake, and energy balance of dairy cowsHamidreza Khazanehei, Shucong Li, Ehsan Khafipour, J. Plaizier Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 10.4141/CJAS-2014-058 2...
  6. makhmal

    3 articles please,csiro , ingentaconnect

    solved thanks anyway
  7. makhmal

    request from sabinet

    1 Botha, Kenneth.2012,Choose a feed mixer for your dairy farm : mechanisation.stockfarm. vol 12. issue 1.pp53,55 2. Botha, Kenneth.2009,Mix for max : a comparison of feed mixers : focus on mechanisation,The Dairy...
  8. makhmal

    some request please. thanks

    1. Chigerwe M1, Tyler JW, Summers MK, Middleton JR, Schultz LG, Nagy DW.2009.Evaluation of factors affecting serum IgG concentrations in bottle-fed calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2009 Mar 15;234(6):785-9. doi: 10.2460/javma.234.6.785.
  9. makhmal

    one from AVMA plz

    I Sen, PD Constable, TS Marshall,2006,Effect of suckling isotonic or hypertonic solutions of sodium bicarbonate or glucose on abomasal emptying rate in calves.American Journal of Veterinary Research. Vol. 67, No. 8, Pages 1377-1384 doi: 10.2460/ajvr.67.8.1377...
  10. makhmal

    recent advance in ...a...n....i...m..a..l.. nutrition .request

    Drackley, James K.; Dann, Heather M.,2008,A Scientific Approach to Feeding Dry Cows . Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition, 1 March 2008, vol. 2007, no. 1, pp. 43-74(32) DOI: