
Mary Ellen Goldberg LVT, CVT, SRA, CCRVN, CVPP, VTS-lab animal medicine (research anesthesia), VTS-physical rehabilitation, VTS-H (anesthesia/analgesia): Mary Ellen Goldberg is a graduate of Harcum College and the University of Pennsylvania in 1976. She worked at Virginia Commonwealth University in the Division of Animal Resources and for Research Scientists advising on their choices for anesthesia and pain management on their protocols. She was a member of VCU’s IACUC for 10 years. She has been the instructor of Anesthesia and Pain Management at VetMedTeam, LLC since 2003. She is a Certified Veterinary Pain Practitioner through IVAPM. Mary Ellen is also a Surgical Research Anesthetist certified through the Academy of Surgical Research. She is on the Exam Chair for APRVT (Academy of Physical Rehabilitation Veterinary Technicians). She is Exam Chair for the Academy of Laboratory Animal Veterinary Technicians and Nurses (APRVT). Currently, she is a staff member at the Canine Rehabilitation Institute, as a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Veterinary Nurse. (CCRVN). She is a member of the IACUC at the Manheimmer Foundation, Inc and teaches their residents and interns about non-human primate anesthesia/analgesia. Mary Ellen was chosen NAVTA’s Veterinary Technician of the Year 2017. In 2019, Mary Ellen received the VTS-anesthesia, analgesia – honorary title from the Academy of Veterinary Technician Anesthesia and Analgesia in November. Mary Ellen has written several books, and contributed to numerous chapters regarding anesthesia, pain management and rehabilitation. She speaks at national meetings on these topics and gives private CE to organizational groups. She has worked in various aspects of veterinary medicine from small animal and equine to mixed practice, coccidiosis research for a pharmaceutical company, zoo animal medicine and laboratory animal medicine since 1976.
Contact: [email protected]
Nov 27, 1956 (Age: 68)
United States Professor at Vet School
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veterinary anesthesia and pain management



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