Recent content by mohammedhagag

  1. M

    rumen fermintation.ppt

    dear admin, if you please reupload rumen fermintation.ppt for importance thanks
  2. M

    Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction : Horses - Book 2

    hi there, could i get the Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction : Horses - Book 2 please , thanks
  3. M

    Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction,fundamentals, book 1

    Hello there, could you please guide me where to get the Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction,fundamentals, book 1 thanks.​
  4. M

    Welcome a new start in Egypt

    all I want to say from the beautiful country of Egypt,I have like 15 years working as a veterinarian and I hope to find here new friends
  5. M

    Hi Dr. Mena, wishing you a good life and work progress, i was wandering if you...

    Hi Dr. Mena, wishing you a good life and work progress, i was wandering if you finished scanning the merck vet. manual as i read in your post?! if so, please upload it as your time permit. thanks Dr.Mohammed Hagag
  6. M

    Merritt's Neurology (12th edition)

    the rapidgator link not working and the 1st one for premium only !!!!