Recent content by pbmm

  1. P

    VetPDA for iPhone and iPod touch

    You need to jailbreak your idevice. Then, install installous using cydia. Go to the settings in installous, then enable the option to sync with itunes. Now in itunes (in your pc), go to file>add file and find the vetpda app. Once you attach your idevice it should sync the app. Do I make sense?
  2. P

    Request Vet Ipod appl

    check this
  3. P

    VetPDA for iPhone and iPod touch

    Thought you guys would like this app. You need Installous installed then sync this app thru itunes. More information about the app -->>
  4. P

    VetPDA from UCDavies

    It will but in Safari. I wish we have the app itself.