Recent content by Twinkle

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    Comparative Medicine: Disorders Linking Humans with Their Animals

    Comparative Medicine: Disorders Linking Humans with Their Animals By Erika Jensen-Jarolim Hardcover: 230 pages Publisher: ; 1st ed. 2017 edition (9 Feb. 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 3319470051 ISBN-13: 978-3319470054 Description This book highlights the most significant diseases...
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    Avian Medicine and Surgery: Self-Assessment Color Review, 2e (2017)

    Avian Medicine and Surgery: Self-Assessment Color Review, Second Edition By Neil A. Forbes and David Sanchez-Migallon Guzman Veterinary Self-Assessment Color Review Series Pages: 384 pages Publisher: CRC Press; 2 edition (July 3, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1498703518 ISBN-13...
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    Fish Histology: From Cells to Organs

    Fish Histology: From Cells to Organs By Doaa M. Mokhtar Pages: 264 pages Publisher: Apple Academic Press; 1 edition (May 19, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1771885890 ISBN-13: 978-1771885898 Description This new volume provides up-to-date information that emphasizes the relationships and...
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    Atlas of Histology of the Juvenile Rat (2016)

    ​Atlas of Histology of the Juvenile Rat By George A Parker and Catherine A. Picut Pages: 462 pages Publisher: Academic Press; 1 edition (27 May 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0128026820 ISBN-13: 978-0128026823 Description Atlas of Histology of the Juvenile Rat should be of interest...
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    Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 4th Edition (2016)

    Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits By Stephen W. Barthold Pages: 384 pages Publisher: -; 4th Revised edition edition (15 Mar. 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1118824245 ISBN-13: 978-1118824245 Description Now in its fourth edition, Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits...
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    Pleural Diseases 6th edition (2013)

    Pleural Diseases By Richard W. Light Pages: 524 Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Sixth edition ASIN:B00E6TRZ5Y Description Now in a fully revised and updated Sixth Edition, Dr. Light's classic text, Pleural Diseases, delivers even more focused content on the pathophysiology...
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    The Thymus Gland: Diagnosis and Surgical Management

    The Thymus Gland By Kyriakos Anastasiadis Pages: 122 pages Publisher: ; 1 edition (July 11, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 3540334254 ASIN: B008SLFMD8 Description This book, written by selected experts who outline the surgical procedure, provides an up-to-date and concise review of the...
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    Thymus Gland Pathology: Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Features

    Thymus Gland Pathology by Corrado Lavini Pages: 292 pages Publisher: Milan; 2008 edition (2 Jun. 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 8847008271 ISBN-13: 978-8847008274 Description The thymus has been a mysterious gland for centuries. The awareness of its role has been progressing, in...
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    Cannabinoids (2014)

    Cannabinoids by Vincenzo Di Marzo Pages: 320 pages Publisher: -; 1 edition (8 Aug. 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1118451295 Description ‘Cannabinoids’ is a broad term covering a group of natural products from Cannabis sativa, one of which locks on to specific receptors – protein...
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    Amyloidosis: Diagnosis and Treatment (2010)

    Amyloidosis: Diagnosis and Treatment by Morie A. Gertz Series: Contemporary Hematology Pages: 238 pages Publisher: Humana Press; 2010 edition (June 21, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1607616300 ISBN-13: 978-1607616306 Description An up-to-date reference on this fascinating set of...
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    Hi all, could someone explain how to thanks content? I have read FAQ and all, but its not working properly, any tips on how to thanks links would be greatly appreciated!
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    The Laboratory Rabbit, Second Edition

    The Laboratory Rabbit by Mark Sukow Pages: 148 Publisher: -- Edition: 2nd., 2010 Language: English ISBN: 978-1420091052 Description Provides quick reference on the humane care and use of the rabbit in the laboratory Includes full color illustrations to enhance understanding...