Recent content by TypQxQ

  1. TypQxQ

    I feel Unfullfilled

    I concur. Help about in a clinic or even a few different clinics as well as try to get some fieldwork. I did both in my sparerime while studying y4-6. Very important to learn how to manage the clients/ owners and the more different vets you see the more you can chose what would suite you best...
  2. TypQxQ

    BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging, 1e (2014)

    Re: BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging, 1e (2013) The link is dead, Could you please post a new one? Thank You! P.S. I didn't find a report missing link button and have reported this post a week ago.
  3. TypQxQ

    What Vaccinations Does My Cat Need?

    I would say it depends on where in the world the cat is and what the recomendations from the producer are. We use Nobivac Tricat at 8w, 12w, 1y and then each 3d year with Nobivac Ducat the tears between.
  4. TypQxQ

    Lectures BS*VA Congress 2016 Videos

    BS*VA Congress 2016 Now in our 59th year, BS*VA Congress has embedded itself into the bedrock of the small animal veterinary calendar. After 2 years of planning by dedicated members of the veterinary profession we are delighted to welcome you to Congress 2016. In 2016 we are bringing you a...
  5. TypQxQ

    Congress Proceedings BSAVA Congress 2017 Videos

    BS*VA Congress 2017 This year’s BS*VA press conference brought together a panel of experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges of integrating new technologies into veterinary practice and how to ensure that animal welfare remains the top priority, coinciding with a recent RC*S...
  6. TypQxQ

    Tablets - Good or Bad?

    I might give an insight as I've had an iPad since it came out in 2010 and recently bought the New iPad. It is grat for reading books from this site and browsing the web but I still prefer reading on paper if I have the book. I Think the iPad is best suited at the moment because of one software...
  7. TypQxQ

    Veterinary Endoscopy Overview (FREE)

    This may be intresting as an introduction, to see what can be done, but he mostly advertises the courses he is giving with practical labs. Also as far as I can see you don't get any kind of certificate.
  8. TypQxQ

    The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline Pda 2nd Edition (5-Minute Consult

    But shouldn't this be for a smartphone or PDA?
  9. TypQxQ

    PcCan Purina Version 2.0

    I have tried to find a description for this but failed, what is this exactly?
  10. TypQxQ

    Minor Veterinary Surgery: A Handbook for Veterinary Nurses

    Minor Veterinary Surgery A Handbook for Veterinary Nurses by Julian Hoad Pages: 256Publisher: -- Edition: May 2006 Language: English ISBN: 978-0750688079 Description This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It brings...
  11. TypQxQ

    General management of dairy bulls for breeding

    Where is the link? Where is the link:questionmark: