Recent content by vedun

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    Bovine clinical skills - video collection

    Bovine clinical skills - video collection Good review for clinical exams. New Bolton Center's Field Service section is a fully equipped ambulatory practice that provides routine and emergency health care for equine and dairy clients within a 30-mile radius of New Bolton Center...
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    Water Reptiles of the Past and the Present

    Water Reptiles of the Past and the Present by S. Williston Pages: 261 Publisher: -- Edition: Reprint, 2000 Language: English ISBN: 978-1402100741 Description In most persons the word reptile incites only feelings of disgust and abhorrence; to many it means a serpent, a cold, gliding...
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    Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks but People Do, Fourth Revised Edition

    Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks but People Do, Fourth Revised Edition Paperback by Matthias Rath (Author) Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: MR Publishing; 4th edition (August 2003) Language: English ISBN-10: 0967954681 ISBN-13: 978-0967954684 In Why Animals Don’t Get Heart...
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    Comparative Dental Morphology 2008

    Comparative Dental Morphology: Selected Papers of the 14th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, August 27-30, 2008 by T. Koppe, G. Meyer, K. W. Alt, A. Brook, M. C. Dean Publication Date: October 8, 2009 ISBN-10: 3805592299 ISBN-13: 978-3805592291 Edition: 1 Teeth and their...