Recent content by vet2dong

  1. vet2dong

    Hi doc! ^__^ it me again do you have all about swine like swine anatomy, conformation, and swine...

    Hi doc! ^__^ it me again do you have all about swine like swine anatomy, conformation, and swine management? cause i have a exam coming up and i don't have any e-book to study on or any book just only notes from our terror prof. So could you help me. I really really need your help ^____^
  2. vet2dong

    hi eva, its me again, do you have any site or pdf about swine ethology cause i need it to my...

    hi eva, its me again, do you have any site or pdf about swine ethology cause i need it to my swine management, could you help me.
  3. vet2dong

    thank you so much for helping me ^_^ . i also hope that i could help you too someday. ^_^

    thank you so much for helping me ^_^ . i also hope that i could help you too someday. ^_^
  4. vet2dong

    Hi eva ^_^!! uhm i got a question, how can i download pdfs in this site? could you help me ?

    Hi eva ^_^!! uhm i got a question, how can i download pdfs in this site? could you help me ?
  5. vet2dong

    Need help in my hedgehog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    COuld someone help me how to manage or handle my hedgehog??:questionmark::questionmark: