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  1. Archiver

    Spanish for Veterinarians: A Practical Introduction, 2e (2008)

    Spanish for Veterinarians, Second Edition, is designed to help you rapidly learn working Spanish for clinical conversations. Packed with the practical vocabulary information and conversational tools found in the first edition, the new edition now includes a new chapter on exotics and expanded...
  2. Archiver

    Key Questions in Clinical Farm Animal Medicine - All Volumes, 1e (2023)

    Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice...
  3. Archiver

    The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals, 9e (2024)

    The newly revised ninth edition of The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals delivers an up-to-date and authoritative exploration on worldwide developments, current thinking, and best practices in the field of laboratory animal welfare science and...
  4. Archiver

    Surgery Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management, 1e (2024)

    A thorough and practical guide to the surgical and non-surgical treatment of small animal wounds Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management focuses on surgical and non-surgical management techniques for the wide variety of wounds that clinicians in any stage of training or clinical practice...
  5. Archiver

    Parasitology Veterinary Parasitology, 5e (2024)

    Veterinary Parasitology serves as a comprehensive reference on the subject for both specialists and general practitioners. The fifth edition has undergone significant updates to reflect recent advances in research and medical practice. It has been restructured and now more accessible and...
  6. Archiver

    Physiotherapie und Bewegungstraining, 5A (2022)

    Hunde haben einen natürlichen Bewegungsdrang. Nutzen Sie ihn, um durch gezielte Aktivierung das Wohlbefinden bei Hunden in allen Lebensphasen zu verbessern. Ob für die Prävention und Therapie von Krankheiten, zur Leistungssteigerung im Hundesport, der motorischen Frühförderung oder im...
  7. Archiver

    Physiotherapie in der Kleintierpraxis: Von der Befundung zum Therapieplan, 4A (2023)

    Schmerzfreiheit, verbesserte Beweglichkeit, Muskelaufbau - die Liste der Therapieerfolge durch Physiotherapie ist lang. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen Sicherheit im Untersuchungsgang, für die Diagnoseerstellung und beim Aufstellen des Therapieplans. Am Beispiel des Hundes wird das Vorgehen für einen...
  8. Archiver

    Tiermedizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektions- und Seuchenlehre, 11A (2023)

    Das Standardwerk für Studierende im deutschsprachigen Raum überzeugt in den Prüfungsfächern Virologie, Bakteriologie und Mykologie. Auch die unverzichtbaren Themen Tierseuchenbekämpfung und Infektionsepidemiologie sind fundiert und verständlich dargestellt. Alle Krankheitsbilder werden...
  9. Archiver

    Advances in Veterinary Surgery: Advances in Equine Laparoscopy, 2e (2024)

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  10. Archiver

    Advances in Veterinary Surgery: Advances in Equine Laparoscopy, 2e (2024)

    The newly revised and updated Second Edition of Advances in Equine Laparoscopy is a state-of-the-art reference to all aspects of laparoscopy in equine patients. The book covers skills and instrumentation, standing surgeries, and recumbent surgeries, with new sections describing evaluation of the...
  11. Archiver

    Anaesthesia AnaesthesiaSkills in Veterinary Medicine, 1e (2024)

    Anaesthesia Skills in Veterinary Medicine: Perioperative management in small, companion and domestic animals Handling anaesthesia and monitoring equipment, established anaesthesia protocols, modern pain management, dealing with complications and associated diseases of the patient – profound...
  12. Archiver

    Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians, 2e (2024)

    Up-to-date, practical reference book demonstrating laboratory procedures in dogs, cats, cattle and horses The newly revised and updated Second Edition of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians is an inclusive reference on laboratory procedures pertaining to small...
  13. Archiver

    Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 2e (2024)

    Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, Second Edition offers a complete, practical guide to nursing care for patients undergoing common and advanced surgeries in small animal practice. Written by veterinary technicians for veterinary technicians, the book is organized...
  14. Archiver

    The Practice of Sheep Veterinary Medicine, 1e (2018)

    This book is intended to be a reference text for veterinarians who provide clinical services to sheep producers. It is directed first and foremost at Australian sheep-raising systems, but the approaches described herein will have wide application in all countries where sheep are raised under...
  15. Archiver

    Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide, 2e (2024)

    Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide, Second Edition offers a comprehensive reference to all aspects of veterinary medical education, providing concrete guidance for instructors in a variety of settings. The book gives real-world, practical, veterinary-specific advice on all aspects...
  16. Archiver

    Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, 3e (2024)

    Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, Third Edition is an essential resource for managing poisonings in dogs and cats. Using the familiar Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format, the book makes it quick and easy to find the crucial details for...
  17. Archiver

    Anaesthesia Fundamental Principles of Veterinary Anesthesia, 1e (2024)

    Comprehensive textbook integrating physiology and anesthesia of multiple species of animals in a unique practical setting Fundamental Principles of Veterinary Anesthesia is designed specifically for veterinary students, animal health technicians and veterinarians in general practice. The first...
  18. Archiver

    Cardiac Arrhythmias in Cats and Dogs: 250 Commented Clinical cases, 1e (2023)

    From the same author of "Electrocardiogram in veterinary medicine", this book presents cardiac arrhythmias in the format of illustrated and commented clinical cases so that clinicians, anesthetists, interventionists or cardiologists may be assisted to diagnose them, and even train their ability...
  19. Archiver

    BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology, 5e (2023)

    This manual takes a problem-oriented approach to endocrinology, focusing on the conditions most commonly seen in general practice. Practical information is laid out for ease of access, with diagnostic algorithms and treatment protocols acting as aide-mémoires for the busy clinician. As well as...