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  1. whisper

    A comparitive study on traumatic reticuloperitonitis and traumatic pericarditis

    Mohamed M. GHANEM A comparitive study on traumatic reticuloperitonitis and traumatic pericarditis in Egyptian cattle Abstract: This study was carried out on 15 Holstein cows divided into 3 groups of 5. Group 1 was the control, group 2 had traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP), and group 3 had...
  2. whisper

    Morphological segmentation of histology cell images

    A.Nedzved, S.Ablameyko, I.Pitas’ Morphological segmentation of histology cell images Abstract Two algorithms for segmentation of cell images are proposed. They have a unique part that contains computation of morphological gradient to extract object borders and thinning the obtained borders to...
  3. whisper

    Masters The rabbit as an animal model for the study of ovulation-inducing factor

    THE RABBIT AS AN ANIMAL MODEL FOR THE STUDY OF OVULATION-INDUCING FACTOR By Miriam Pilar Cervantes Abstract Ovulation–inducing factor (OIF) is a seminal plasma protein that has been found in the ejaculate of different species. Evidence suggests that OIF and its function may be conserved among...
  4. whisper

    Traumatic Heart Disease

    Traumatic Heart Disease Nagender Reddy ,MD Pages: 42 Edition: 1998 Description Non Penetrating Cardiac Injury _ Pericardium Myocardium Complications of Cardiac Resuscitation Penetrating Cardiac Injuries_ Injuries to valves, papillary muscles, Chordae...
  5. whisper

    PhD Using Spatial Distribution and Behaviour to Determine Optimal Space Allowances for Poultry

    Using Spatial Distribution and Behaviour to Determine Optimal Space Allowances for Poultry and Rabbits Stephanie Buijs Abstract Previous research on the effect of stocking density on welfare has focused on adverse effects on health and behaviour. Absence of such effects does not mean that space...
  6. whisper

    Atlas: Epilepsy Care in the World

    Atlas: Epilepsy Care in the World Pages: 96 Edition: 2005 Language: English ISBN: 92 4 156303 6 Description : Epilepsy is one of the most common serious disorders of the brain, affecting about 50 million people worldwide. Epilepsy accounts for 1% of the global burden of disease; 80% of...
  7. whisper

    Haematological and biochemical profile of weaner rabbits fed raw or processed pigeon pea

    F. O. Ahamefule, B. E. Obua, I. A. Ukweni, M. A. Oguike and R. A. Amaka Haematological and biochemical profile of weaner rabbits fed raw or processed pigeon pea seed meal based diets Summary Twenty four weaner rabbits of 6-8 weeks of age and averaging 550 g in weight were divided into four...
  8. whisper

    Basic Skin Histology

    Basic Skin Histology Mark Berryman, PhD Pages:31 Edition:2004 [thanks-thanks]pdf,2.65MB,[/thanks-thanks]
  9. whisper

    The Effect of Three Dietary Crude Protein Levels on Digestibility and Tests Function

    A.O. Ladokun, G.N. Egbunike, D.O. Adejumo & O.A. Sokunbi The Effect of Three Dietary Crude Protein Levels on Digestibility and Tests Function in Male Pubertal Rabbits Summary Six healthy crossbred rabbits (New Zealand white & Chinchilla) were assigned to each of three isocaloric rations viz...
  10. whisper

    Atlas of Human Skeleton Anatomy

    Atlas of Human Skeleton Anatomy By Juraj Artner Pages: 68 Edition: 2002 Language: English Description: This atlas is good for anyone interested in human anatomy and physiology. Themes such as body systems, surface anatomy and histology are covered, making this a comprehensive visual...
  11. whisper

    Sheep and Goat Pox

    Sheep and Goat Pox Pages: 30 Publisher: Center for Food Security and Public Health Edition: 2011 Language: English Description Sheep and goat pox infections are the most important pox diseases of domestic animals, causing significant economic losses, especially among young...
  12. whisper

    Masters Metabolic aspects of oryzanol in rats

    METABOLIC ASPECTS OF ORYZANOL IN RATS Michelle Smith Gillespie Abstract Using a rat model, this study compared the bioavailability of three forms of oryzanol, a compound extracted from rice bran oil that has been associated with improved cholesterol levels. Various methods of extracting lipids...
  13. whisper

    PhD Cysteinyl Leukotrienes Dependent [Ca2+]i Responses to Angiotensin II in Rat Cardiomyocytes

    Cysteinyl Leukotrienes Dependent [Ca2+]i Responses to Angiotensin II in Rat Cardiomyocytes and Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells Pinggang Liu, MD Abstract Angiotensin II (Ang II) plays a very important role in regulating cardiac and vascular contraction and proliferation/hypertrophy via stimulation of...
  14. whisper

    Masters Exercise training modulates apoptotic signaling in the aging rat heart

    EXERCISE TRAINING MODULATES APOPTOTIC SIGNALING IN THE AGING RAT HEART HYO BUM KWAK ABSTRACT Exercise Training Modulates Apoptotic Signaling in the Aging Rat Heart. (August 2004) Hyo Bum Kwak, B.Ed., Seoul National University; M.Ed., Seoul National University Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr...
  15. whisper

    Masters Alternatives to carbon dioxide euthanasia for laboratory rats

    ALTERNATIVES TO CARBON DIOXIDE EUTHANASIA FOR LABORATORY RATS Abstract The most commonly used method of euthanasia of laboratory rodents is exposure to carbon dioxide (CO2), but recent studies have shown that rodents find this gas aversive. The aim of my thesis was to evaluate rat aversion to...
  16. whisper

    Corynebacterium , Erysipelothrix & Listeria .

    Corynebacterium , Erysipelothrix & Listeria Pages: 42 Language: English Description Pathogenic Corynebacterial Species Corynebacterium diphtheriae Corynebacterium jeikeium Corynebacterium urealyticum Erysipelothrix rhusopathiae Listeria monocytogenes...
  17. whisper

    Medicinal Plants at Risk

    Medicinal Plants at Risk By Emily Roberson Native Plant Conservation Campaign Director March 2008 Description Medicinal plants grow naturally around us. Over centuries, cultures around the world have learned how to use plants to fight illness and maintain health. These readily available and...
  18. whisper

    Aspergillosis in camels affected with a specific respiratory and enteric syndrome

    Aspergillosis in camels affected with a specific respiratory and enteric syndrome A-BA EL-KHOULY, FA GADIR, DD CLUERt and GW MANEFIELD Introduction A disease syndrome of camels (Cumelus dromedarius) charactensed by a spectrum of clinical signs and haemorrhages at necropsy has been observed for...
  19. whisper

    Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Coral Histopathology II

    Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Coral Histopathology II [thanks-thanks]pdf,7.88MB,[/thanks-thanks]
  20. whisper

    Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Mad Cow Disease

    Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Mad Cow Disease Melody O’Donnell and Raquel Pinderhughes Pages:50 Publisher: Spring Edition: 2004 Language: English Description This presentation focuses on the history and impacts of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)...