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  1. whisper

    Multiple-Choice Tests in Pharmacology

    Multiple-Choice Tests in Pharmacology Pages:139 [thanks-thanks]pdf,644KB, pdf[/thanks-thanks]
  2. whisper

    A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

    A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics By James M Ritter, Lionel D Lewis, Timothy GK Mant and Albert Ferro Pages:476 Publisher:Hodder Education Edition:5th,2008 Language: English ISBN: 978-0-340-90046-8 Description Clinical pharmacology is the science of drug use in humans...
  3. whisper

    Central Nervous System Infections

    [CENTER][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2]David Somand, MD,WilliamMeurer, MD%
  4. whisper

    Nervous system

    Nervous system Lecture Nervous system Lecture Pages:36 [thanks-thanks]pdf,331KB,[/thanks-thanks]
  5. whisper

    Pathology Histopathology Specimens

    Histopathology Specimens Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects By Derek C. Allen and R. Iain Cameron Pages: 143 Edition:2004 Language: English ISBN:1852335971 Descrption Histopathology specimens are a vital cornerstone in patient care. They not only establish a tissue diagnosis...
  6. whisper

    Pathology Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology

    Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology By John Crocker and Paul G. Murray Pages: 403 Edition:2003 Language: English ISBN:0-470-84475-2 Description The past 20 years have witnessed numerous changes in the practice of histopathology, with many powerful techniques, such as...
  7. whisper

    Noise in the nervous system

    Noise in the nervous system A. Aldo Faisal, Luc P. J. Selen and Daniel M. Wolpert Abstract Noise — random disturbances of signals — poses a fundamental problem for information processing and affects all aspects of nervous-system function. However, the nature, amount and impact of noise in the...
  8. whisper

    Magnesium in the Central Nervous System

    Magnesium in the Central Nervous System Edited by Robert Vink and Mihai Nechifor Pages:355 Publisher:Adelaide Edition:2011 Language: English Description Our understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of the brain has improved dramatically in the last two decades. In...
  9. whisper

    Culture of fish in rice fields

    Culture of Fish in Rice Fields Alternatives: Depositfiles [thanks-thanks][/thanks-thanks]
  10. whisper


    Endocrinology Edward Buckingham, M.D. Francis Quinn, M.D. F.A.C.S. Pages:64 [thanks-thanks]pdf,1.15MB,[/thanks-thanks]
  11. whisper

    Fish Gill Morphology

    JONATHAN M. WILSON AND PIERRE LAURENT Fish Gill Morphology JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY 293:192–213 (2002) Abstract In this short review of fish gill morphology we cover some basic gross anatomy as well as in some more detail the microscopic anatomy of the branchial epithelia from...
  12. whisper

    Herbs used for psychotropic or behavior modifying activity

    Jonathan Klemens, B.S. Bio, RPh, FAAIM Herbs used for psychotropic or behavior modifying activity Abstract Herbs have been highly valued and used regularly for thousands of years by the peoples of the world as the medicine of the masses. Man has always searched for that herb that heals the...
  13. whisper

    Macromineral physiology and application to the feeding of the dairy cow

    Jesse P. Goff Macromineral physiology and application to the feeding of the dairy cow for prevention of milk fever and other periparturient mineral disorders Animal Feed Science and Technology 126 (2006) 237–257 Abstract The periparturient cow undergoes a transition from non-lactating to...
  14. whisper

    WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants

    WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants Pages: 390 Edition:vol 3 , 2007 Language: English ISBN: 978 92 4 154702 4 Introduction The selection of medicinal plants for inclusion in the WHO monographs is based on worldwide use. The medicinal plants selected must meet two major...
  15. whisper


    Anatomy Morphological anatomy from a phenomenological point of view By Guus van der Bie, M.D. Pages:79 Edition:2002 Language: English Introduction The module Morphological Anatomy in the series ‘BOLK’S COMPANIONS FOR THE STUDY OF MEDICINE is intended for medical students...
  16. whisper

    Medicinal Plants

    Medicinal Plants By P. P. Joy J. Thomas Samuel Mathew Baby P. Skaria Pages:210 Edition: 1998 Language: English Description Herbs are staging a comeback and herbal ‘renaissance’ is happening all over the globe. The herbal products today symbolise safety in contrast to the synthetics that are...
  17. whisper

    Infectious causes of embryonic and fetal mortality

    M. Daniel Givens ,M.S.D. Marley Infectious causes of embryonic and fetal mortality THE-10622; No of Pages 16 Abstract The purpose of this review is to summarize bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and viral causes of reproductive dysgenesis in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, dogs, and cats. The...
  18. whisper

    Herbal/medical Contraindications

    Herbal/Medical Contraindications Synergistic and Latrogenic Potentials when Some Herbs are Used Concurrent with Medical Treatment of Medical Health Care By Michael Moore Pages: 23 Publisher: Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Edition:1995 Language: English Description A list of...
  19. whisper

    Drug interactions .ppt

    Drug interactions Drug interactions pages:20 [thanks-thanks]ppt,88KB,[/thanks-thanks] :smile:
  20. whisper

    Culture of fish in rice fields

    Culture of Fish in Rice Fields by Matthias Halwart ,Modadugu V. Gupta Pages: 77 Publisher: FAO, and the WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia. Edition: 2004 Language: English ISBN: 97832346339 Description “There is rice in the fi elds, fi sh in the water.” This sentence inscribed on...