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  1. whisper

    Stillbirth in Dairy Cattle

    E. SZÜCS, L. GULYÁS, L. T. CZISZTER, I. DEMIRKAN Stillbirth in Dairy Cattle Lucrări ştiinţifice Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii, vol. 42 (2) (2009), Timişoara Introduction Two of the most larges problem at dairy farm level is calving complications and stillborn calves. Heifers and cows that go...
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    Handling and Treatment of Poultry Hatchery Waste

    Handling and Treatment of Poultry Hatchery Waste Phil Glatz , Zhihong Miao and Belinda Rodda Abstract: A literature review was undertaken to identify methods being used to handle and treat hatchery waste. Hatchery waste can be separated into solid waste and liquid waste by centrifuging or by...
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    Equine Viral Arteritis

    F. DEL PIERO Review Article Equine Viral ArteritisVet Pathol 37:287–296 (2000) Abstract Equine viral arteritis (EVA) can cause prominent economic losses for the equine industry. The purpose of this review is to provide the pathologist some familiarity with the clinical history, lesions...
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    Serological survey of etiological agents associated with abortion

    Serological survey of etiological agents associated with abortion in two Algerian dairy cattle breeding farms A. Dechicha, S. Gharbi, S. Kebbal, G. Chatagnon, D. Tainturier, R. Ouzrout and D.Guetarni INTRODUCTION Abortion of infectious origin is considered a significant pathology given the...
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    Demonstration Cellular Mechanism of Platelet Aggregation and Drug Targets for Blood Clotting

    Cellular Mechanism of Platelet Aggregation and Drug Targets for Blood Clotting [thanks-thanks]17.4MB,[/thanks-thanks] A quick overview on how blood clotting works, drugs that reduce the formation of undesired clots, and some common diseases associated...
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    Equine herpesvirus-1 myeloencephalopathy

    Equine herpesvirus-1 myeloencephalopathy: A review of recent developments Nicola Pusterla , W. David Wilson a, John E. Madigan a, Gregory L. Ferraro b Abstract Equine herpes myeloencephalopathy (EHM), although a relatively uncommon manifestation of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) infection, can...
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    Newcastle disease - A special review of immunosuppression

    Newcastle disease - A special review of immunosuppression Hrvoje MAZIJA Introduction Newcastle disease (ND) has remained almost the only classical viral poultv infection that resists all efforts for its eradication. Since its first incidence and description, the approach to its control has been...
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    Infectious Abortions in Dairy Cows

    Infectious Abortions in Dairy Cows John H. Kirk, DVM, MPVM Introduction Infectious diseases due to bacteria, viruses and protozoa are still causing reproductive problems in the form of abortions for dairymen all over the world. These abortions have a great impact on the economic performance of...
  9. whisper

    Diagnosis of bovine neosporosis

    Diagnosis of bovine neosporosis J.P. Dubey , G. Schares AbstractThe protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is a major cause of abortion in cattle. The diagnosis of neosporosis-associated mortality and abortion in cattle is difficult. In the present paper we review histologic, serologic...
  10. whisper

    Production and growth related disorders and other metabolic diseases of poultry

    Production and growth related disorders and other metabolic diseases of poultry Richard J. Julian Abstract In humans, metabolic complaints may be associated with a failure in one of the body hormone or enzyme systems, a storage disease related to lack of metabolism of secretory products because...
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    Methionine metabolism .ppt

    Methionine metabolism .ppt Dmitry Rodionov pages:6 [thanks-thanks]pdf,546KB,[/thanks-thanks]
  12. whisper

    Poultry A Guide to Anatomy and Selected Species

    Poultry A Guide to Anatomy and Selected Species Prepared by Dave Wilson Pages:20 Language: English Format: PDF Size: 2.51 MB Description To meaningfully study and recognize the distinguishable characteristics of the different species, breeds, and varieties of poultry, it will be necessary to...
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    Request ACT (activated clotting time)

    Check these links :)
  14. whisper

    Factors affecting intake by grazing ruminants and related quantification methods

    Factors affecting intake by grazing ruminants and related quantification methods Virginie Decruyenaere , André Buldgen , Didier Stilmant The aim of this review is to discuss the factors affecting intake of grazing ruminants and its main quantification methods. Level of intake depends on many...
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    Diabetes source: The Guide to Community Preventive Services Part II: Reducing Disease, Injury, and Impairment Chapter 5:Diabetes Pages:35 [thanks-thanks]pdf,331KB,[/thanks-thanks]
  16. whisper

    Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues

    Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues: evolutionary implications for reducing diet-related chronic disease L Cordain, BAWatkins, GL Florant, M Kelher, L Rogers and Y Li Introduction Both quantitative and qualitative aspects of dietary lipid intake exert important influence upon human...
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    Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

    Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Roland Tisch and Hugh McDevit Introduction Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease for which susceptibility is determined by environmental and genetic factors. Inheritance is polygenic, with the genotype of themajor...
  18. whisper

    The genus Brucella and clinical manifestations of brucellosis

    The genus Brucella and clinical manifestations of brucellosis Mariana Noyma XavierI Érica Azevedo CostaI Tatiane Alves PaixãoI Renato Lima SantosI* Abstract Infection with bacteria of the genus Brucella results in major economic and political impact by causing reproductive diseases in a...
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    Source: Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals Chapter: 2.9.9. Salmonellosis Summary Salmonellosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals caused by organisms of the two species of Salmonella (Salmonella enterica, and S. bongori). Although primarily intestinal...
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    Enzootic Bovine Leukosis

    Source: Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals Chapter: 2.3.4. Enzootic Bovine Leukosis Summary Enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) is a disease of adult cattle caused by the retrovirus, bovine leukaemia virus (BLV). Cattle may be infected at any age, including the embryonic...