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  1. whisper

    Demonstration Tapeworm Life cycle

    Tapeworm Life cycle[thanks-thanks]4.49MB[/thanks-thanks] The life cycle of the tapeworm, see how it moves through a dogs system, embeds itself into the dogs intestine where it matures and begins to shed egg segments via the faeces. The...
  2. whisper

    Demonstration Canine Roundworm Life Cycle (Ascarids)

    Canine Roundworm Life Cycle (Ascarids)[thanks-thanks]5.94MB,[/thanks-thanks] The life cycle of the canine roundworm within a canines digestive system and the effect it has on it's entire body. :smile:
  3. whisper

    Demonstration Lungworm Life Cycle

    Lungworm Life Cycle[thanks-thanks]4.52MB,[/thanks-thanks] Lungworm The hidden killer for dogs. Dogs become infected through eating slugs and snails which can carry the larvae of the parasite. Once seen as a problem in isolated areas, the...
  4. whisper

    Lectures Poultry diseases (Avian diseases)

    Poultry diseases (Avian diseases) [thanks-thanks]27.3MB, FLV[/thanks-thanks] :smile:
  5. whisper

    Demonstration Giardia

    Not at all !! Infection may be treated using one of a number of different drugs that are available through Vet Supply Stores. The treatment of choice is often with Metronidazole (brand name Flagyl). Metronidazole has two interesting properties--the action is largely confined to the gut and...
  6. whisper

    Chicken Diseases

    Chicken Diseases Pages: 90 Slices Publisher: -- Edition: -- Language: English Description This resource content pictures of viral, parasitic,fungal and nutritional diseases an clinical signs of chicken [thanks-thanks]ppt,45.4MB,[/thanks-thanks] :v:
  7. whisper

    Demonstration Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

    Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Mad Cow Disease :v:
  8. whisper

    Demonstration Giardia

    Giardia [thanks-thanks]6.63MB, FLV[/thanks-thanks] Life cycle of Giardia :)
  9. whisper

    Surgery Enterotomy in dog

    Enterotomy in dog [thanks-thanks]13.98MB, FLV[/thanks-thanks] Surgery on a dog to remove a toy from the intestine :smile:
  10. whisper

    Surgery Gastrotomy in dog

    Gastrotomy in dog [thanks-thanks]18.61MB, FLV[/thanks-thanks]
  11. whisper

    Techique Paravertibral nerve block

    Paravertibral nerve block [thanks-thanks]4.93MB[/thanks-thanks] :smile:
  12. whisper

    Demonstration Intestinal worms

    Intestinal worms [thanks-thanks]3.90MB,[/thanks-thanks] Life cycle of intestinal worms in your pets. how they can be contracted, and the damage they can do to your pets health. :smile:
  13. whisper

    Techique Caudal epidural analgesia in cow

    Caudal epidural analgesia in cow [thanks-thanks]5.64MB,[/thanks-thanks]
  14. whisper

    Surgery Rumenotomy in buffalo

    Rumenotomy in buffalo [thanks-thanks]31.4MB,[/thanks-thanks] Rumenotomy in buffalo for foreign body removal :)
  15. whisper

    Surgery Canine Cataract Surgery in a Dog

    Cataract surgery in a dog Cataract Surgery in a Dog by Dr. Joe Wolfer Source: .flv Language: English Edition: 2008 Duration: 2:58 min. Description Lens removal by phacoemulsification in an older canine patient, with insertion of an intraocular lens (IOL) [thanks-thanks]6.96MB...
  16. whisper

    Surgery Knee Surgery

    Sorry, I have just correct it :)
  17. whisper

    Surgery Knee Surgery

    Knee Surgery [thanks-thanks]3.53MB, FLV[/thanks-thanks] :up:
  18. whisper

    Lectures protein synthesis _ translation process

    protein synthesis _ translation procesS [thanks-thanks]1.78MB,[/thanks-thanks]
  19. whisper

    Ruminant digestive system .ppt

    you must have at least 20 useful posts to download this :)
  20. whisper

    Vitamins .ppt

    Vitamins Solved New link : [thanks-thanks]ppt,3.94MB,[/thanks-thanks] :v: Pages:25