Search results

  1. C

    Request Production diseases in farm animals

    can anyone give a link for this please
  2. C

    The Equid Ethogram: A Practical Field Guide to Horse Behavior by Sue McDonnell

    this book gives a lot of information
  3. C

    Request Miller's Anatomy of the Dog, 3rd edition

    I looked this book. wow
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    Request Veterinary Echocardiography

    this is excellent
  5. C

    Rapid review of exotic animal medicine husbandry

    the link seems over
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    Theses from the University of Lyon (France)

    thank you very much. it's good
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    Colorado State University Develops Artificial Tissue for Surgery Practice!!!!

    Is there anyone who know the way that we could get access to the library of vet school in USA?
  8. C

    Medicina Equina - Apuntes Tracto digestivo

    However, do you have any other ppt such as ophthalomogy or orthopedics?
  9. C

    Medicina Equina - Apuntes Tracto digestivo

    Thank you very much for the good resources!