Günter Rademacher
Ursachen und Früherkennung, neue Wege für Vorbeugung und Behandlung.
ULMER PUBLISHING 4. Auflage 2011. 160 S., 116 Farbfotos, geb. ISBN 978-3-8001-7553-6...
Stober, M.
Translated Title:
Pratical hints in connection with abdominal surgery in cattle.
Praktische Hinweise in Zusammenhang mit der Abdominalchirurgie beim rind
Proceedings [of the] XIIth World Congress on Diseases of Cattle, September 7-10, 1982, Internationaal Congrescentrum...
McIlwraith and Turner's Equine Surgery. Advanced Techniques
by C. Wayne McIlwraith, James T. Robertson, A. Simon Turner
Pages: 440 pages
Publisher: -
Edition: 2 edition (August 18, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0683057707
ISBN-13: 978-0683057706
The book defines...
i need
Conditions of the stomach and small intestine: differential diagnosis and surgical management.
Robertson, J.T
Veterinary Clinics of North America. Large Animal Practice
Volume 4, Issue 1, May 1982, Pages 105-127
Surgical approaches to and exploration of the equine abdomen...
urinary surgery vet clin north am food animal
neil hooper texas 1995
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vet clin north am food anim 1995
michael rings ohio
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Vet Clin North America Food Animal Practice ocular surgery 1995
Bimbo Welker Ohio
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Veterinary Clinics North America FOOD ANIMAL 1996
General Anesthesia and Sedation
D. Lee
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Dirksen G, Garry FB. Diseases of the forestomachs in calves – Part I.
Comp Contin Educ 1987;9:140-147.
Diseases of the forestomachs in calves - Part II Comp. Contin Educ 1987;9:173-179.
Ducharme NG: Surgical considerations in the treatment of traumatic
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