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    Initial Evaluation of a Technique for Complete Cecal Bypass

    Initial Evaluation of a Technique for Complete Cecal Bypass in the Horse WILLIAM A. SYMM, Veterinary Surgery 35:674–677, 2006
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    In Vitro Bursting Pressures of Jejunal Enterotomy Closures

    In Vitro Bursting Pressures of Jejunal Enterotomy Closures in Llamas STACY A. SEMEVOLOS, Veterinary Surgery 36:64–67, 2007
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    Surgical Technique

    Surgical Technique to Repair Grade IV Rectal Tears in Post-Parturient Mares ALASTAIR T. KAY et all Veterinary Surgery 37:345–349, 2008
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    Intrathoracic surgery

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    Bovine Practitioner

    re powiedz co Ty potrzeb\ujesz może coś pomoge z tej weterynarii. tu to mają ładnie wiedzy na tym forum , jak u ,,cyganki w tobołku"
  6. J

    Bovine Practitioner

    witam pewno że bym potrzebował przedstawić Ci liste co bym chciał? miło że są tu rodacy.
  7. J

    Regional and Clinical Surgery- I

    Regional and Clinical Surgery- II Radiology, Regional and Clinical Surgery- II and Lameness Department of Surgery and Radiology College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences CSKHPKV, Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) by A.C. Varshney, Adarsh Kumar. Pages: 98 Publisher: College of Veterinary and...
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    Regional and Clinical Surgery- I

    Radiology, Regional and Clinical Surgery- I and Lameness Department of Surgery and Radiology College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences CSKHPKV, Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) by A.C. Varshney, Adarsh Kumar. Pages: 78 Publisher: College of Veterinary and Animal Science Edition: 2007 Language...
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    Abdominocentesis in Cattle

    Abdominocentesis in Cattle: Technique and Criteria for Diagnosis of Peritonitis A.D. WILSON, V.M. HIRSCH AND A.D. OSBORNE Can Vet J 1985; 26: 74-80
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    Ileal impaction in 22 cows

    Ileal impaction in 22 cows K. Nuss *, B. Lejeune, C. Lischer, U. Braun The Veterinary Journal 171 (2006) 456–461
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    Foreign body induced ruminal

    FOREIGN BODY INDUCED RUMINAL IMPACTION IN A BUFFALO CALF G. Veeraiah1, N.V.V. Hari Krishna, Manda Srinivas2 and V. Devi Prasad3 Buffalo Bulletin (September 2009) Vol.28 No.3
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    Diagnose und Therapie Nabelerkrankungen des Kalbes

    Diagnose und Therapie von Nabelerkrankungen des Kalbes Starke, A., Kehler, W., Kaske, M. und Rehage, J. (TiHo Hannover) NUTZTIERPRAXIS AKTUELL • Ausgabe 6 • September 2003
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    Surgical management of sand colic

    Surgical management of sand colic impactions in horses: a retrospective study of 41 cases N GRANOT, J MILGRAM, T BDOLAH-ABRAM, I SHEMESH and A STEINMAN Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 86, No 10, October 2008
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    Surgical Treatment of Gastric Outflow Obstruction in 40 Foals

    Surgical Treatment of Gastric Outflow Obstruction in 40 Foals STEVEN T. ZEDLER, VMD, ROLF M. EMBERTSON, Veterinary Surgery 38:623–630, 2009
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    intestinal malformation in calves

    intestinal malformation in calves and their surgical correction steenhaut , de moor vet rec 1976
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    Dilation and torsion caecum in cow

    Dilation and torsion of the caecum in a cow caused by a trichobezoar MESARI C and T MODIC Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 85, No 4, April 2007
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    Small Intestinal Tears associated ...... Case Report–Small Intestinal Tears associated with Sudden Death in Two Heifers and One Cow with Posterior Presentation of the Offspring Sébastien Buczinski, Dr Vét, Dipl ACVIM; Anne-Marie Bélanger, DMV, IPSAV; Mauricio Badillo, DMV; Denis Harvey, DMV...
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    Bovine Endotoxicosis

    Bovine Endotoxicosis – Some Aspects of Relevance to Production Diseases. A Review Pia Haubro Andersen Acta vet. scand. 2003, Suppl. 98, 141-155.
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    foreign body syndrome in buffaloes foreign body syndrome in buffaloes sharma kumar asian journ. of anim and vet scienc. 2006
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    Impaction of right dorsal colon in the horse Impaction of right dorsal colon in the horse J. MEZEROVÁ, R. KABEŠ, Z. ŽERT, P. JAHN, J. HANÁK Vet. Med. – Czech, 46, 2001 (11–12): 293–300