Companion animals as reservoir for zoonotic diseases
The European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (EJCAP) Special Issue
Vol. 18 (3) December 2008
Companion animals as reservoir for zoonotic diseases (pag. 213-223)
by J. Grøndalen, B. Sævik, H. Sørum...
Trends in Parasitology
April 2010 Volume 26, Number 4 pp. 153–218
Special Issue: Zoonoses of people and pets in the USA
153 Zoonoses of people and their pets: a US perspective on significant pet-associated parasitic diseases
155 Epidemiologic and zoonotic aspects of ascarid...
Búsqueda de la Legislación Española y Comunitaria en el Ambito Veterinario
Diagnóstico serológico de las enfermedades infecciosas: curvas evolutivas de las pruebas serológicas
Fundamentos del Diagnóstico Serológico
Medicina Preventiva y Enfermedades Emergentes en Salud Pública Veterinaria...
Mediafire mirror link
Vol. 1
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Vol. 2
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Terrestrial Animal Health Code
OIE; vols. I & II
19th Edition, 2010
Summary :
The aim of the 19th edition of the Terrestrial Code is to assure the sanitary safety of international trade in terrestrial animals and their products. This is achieved through the detailing of health measures to be...
New Insights into the Pathogenesis of Mastitis
Department of Veterinary Physiology, University of Ghent, Belgium
Institute for Animal Health, Compton, Berks, U.K.
This book has been compiled from material submitted by the invited...
The eBook Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain is already published! If someone has access to CABI Book, would be helpful if someone could post it here.
Thank's in advance!
Companion Animal Zoonoses
J. Scott Weese, Martha Fulford
Pages: 327
Publisher: -
Edition: 2011
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0813819648
Companion Animal Zoonoses is a comprehensive resource on diseases transmissible between animals and humans. Presenting detailed...
Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain
Edited by D O Krause, Director, Large Animal Biosecurity Laboratory, Univerity of Manitoba, Canada, S Hendrick, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
November 2010 / Hardback / 240 Pages / 9781845936815
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
volume 26 supplement 2 october 2003
Antibiotics - USP Veterinary Pharmaceutical Information Monographs
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Distance Learning e-Course GOOD RESEARCH PRACTICE 2011 is open for registration. The course is free for everyone and is especially suited to graduate students of biomedical and biological sciences, post-docs and research associates.
La salud pública veterinaria en situaciones de desastres naturales y provocados
FAO Producción y Sanidad Animal
No. 170
ISBN 978-92-5-306642-1
La salud pública veterinaria es uno de los componentes fundamentales del sistema de salud pública. En los últimos años, alrededor del mundo se ha...
Viruses, Animals & People: Travelers on the Zoonotic Disease Highway
Among the oldest but also most recently recognized illnesses are those infections maintained in animal populations but transmitted to people. Plague (from fleas) is an ancient example, and Lyme disease (via ticks) a more recent...
Emerging zoonoses and pathogens of public health concern
Scientific and Technical Review 23 (2)
Author(s) : L.J. King; Ed.: 2004
Summary :
Emerging zoonoses can occur anywhere in the world and the consequences can be severe. The interdependence of people and animals and the many different...
Prevention and control of animal diseases worldwide
In October 2007, the results of three OIE economic studies, co-financed by the World Bank, on the prevention and control of animal diseases worldwide were presented at an International Conference on Global Animal Health, co-organised by the...
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