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  1. iucifjr

    Manual on meat inspection for developing countries

    Manual on Meat Inspection for Developing Countries by D. Herenda in cooperation with P.G. Chambers, A. Ettriqui, P. Seneviratna and T.J.P. da Silva Publisher: FAO Corporate Document Repository Edition: Reprinted 2000 Language: English ISBN: 92-5-103304-8 Format: Webpage...
  2. iucifjr

    Goose Production

    Goose Production FAO ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND HEALTH PAPER - 154 Edited by Roger Buckland McGill University Montreal, Canada and Gérard Guy Institut de la recherche agronomique SEPFG d'Artiguères France FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2002 ISSN 0254-6019 146p...
  3. iucifjr

    Small-Scale Poultry Production

    SMALL-SCALE POULTRY PRODUCTION Manual Technical Guide E.B. Sonaiya and S.E.J. Swan Pages: 60 Publisher: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Edition: 2004 Language: English ISBN: 92-5-105082-1 Format: PDF Size: 1 MB Description FAO recognizes the important...
  4. iucifjr

    Good Practices for the Meat Industry

  5. iucifjr

    Animal Welfare and Intensification of Animal Production

    Animal welfare and the intensification of animal production An alternative interpretation David Fraser Animal Welfare Program Faculty of Land and Food Systems and W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics University of British Columbia, Canada ISBN 92-5-105386-3 ISSN 1729-9454 32p. FOOD AND...
  6. iucifjr

    Manual on procedures for disease eradication by stamping out

    MANUAL ON PROCEDURES FOR DISEASE ERADICATION BY STAMPING OUT FAO Animal Health Manual Text prepared by William A. Geering Consultant, EMPRES/Infectious Diseases Group, FAO, Rome Former Director, Animal and Plant Health, Bureau of Resource Sciences and Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer, Australia...
  7. iucifjr

    Guía de buenas prácticas en explotaciones lecheras 2004

    Guía de buenas prácticas en explotaciones lecheras 2004 Una publicación conjunta de la Federación Internacional de Lechería y de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación [thanks-THANKS][/thanks-THANKS]
  8. iucifjr

    Principles of Epidemiology 2nd Edition

    Principles of Epidemiology An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics Second Edition Pages: 527 Publisher: -- Edition: Self Study Course 3030-G Language: English ISBN: -- Description This course was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a...
  9. iucifjr

    Epidemiology for the Uninitiated - On line Book

    Fourth Edition D Coggon PHD, DM, FRCP, FFOM Reader in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Medical Research Council Environmental Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton UK Geoffrey Rose DM, DSC, FRCP, FFPHM late Emeritus Professor of...
  10. iucifjr

    DjVu viewer

    WinDjView is a fast, compact and powerful DjVu viewer for Windows with tabbed interface, continuous scrolling and advanced printing options. WinDjView Features Supports all popular Windows versions (7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, ME, 98, NT4) Tabbed document interface. Alternatively it can open...
  11. iucifjr

    Virtual Health Library - Veterinary Public Health

    Virtual Health Library - Veterinary Public Health English: PANAFTOSA - PAHO - WHO Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde - Saúde Pública Veterinária Portuguese: PANAFTOSA - OPAS - OMS Biblioteca Virtual em...
  12. iucifjr

    Fichas Teóricas de Epidemiología Volumen 1 y 2

    [thanks-THANKS][/thanks-THANKS] [thanks-THANKS][/thanks-THANKS]
  13. iucifjr

    Catalogo de Centro Panamericano de Fiebre Aftosa 1951-2008

    El presente catalogo reúne referencias bibliográficas relacionadas a los trabajos publicados por los profesionales del Centro Panamericano de Fiebre Aftosa – VP/OPS/OMS (PANAFTOSA – VP/OPS/OMS) durante el período de 1951-2008 y tiene como finalidad ser mas una herramienta de apoyo a los...
  14. iucifjr

    Dairy Goat Manual

    Buffalo publication from RIRDC That´s what they have on line. Enjoy!:bye1:
  15. iucifjr

    The Australian Buffalo Industry

    The Australian Buffalo Industry – Market Research and Feasibility Study by Janet Robertson, Ian Flack, Peter Smetana 1999 150 pages Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. ISBN 0 642 57903 2 ISSN 1440-6845 Publication no. 99/71 Project no. BUF-1A...
  16. iucifjr

    Australian Water Buffalo

    Australian Water Buffalo - Genetic and reproduction improvements By Barry Lemcke 2008 ISBN 1 74151 778 8 ISSN 1440-6845 Publication no: 08-189 Pages: 86</B> [thanks-THANKS][/thanks-THANKS]
  17. iucifjr

    Dairy Goat Manual

    Dairy Goat Manual Second Edition by Gaille Abud and Arthur Stubbs 81 pages 2009 RIRDC Publication No 08/206 RIRDC Project No PRJ-000724 [thanks-THANKS][/thanks-THANKS]
  18. iucifjr

    Gastric Ulceration in Horses: The role of bacteria and lactic acid

    Gastric Ulceration in Horses The role of Bacteria and Lactic Acid by Rafat Al Jassim, Thomas McGowan, Frank Andrews and Catherine McGowan Pages: 34 pages Publisher: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. Edition: 1st., No. 08/033, 2008 Language: English ISBN: 978-...
  19. iucifjr

    Equine Laminitis

    Equine Laminitis Current Concepts by Christopher C. Pollitt Pages: 116 Publisher: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Edition: 2008 Language: English ISBN: 978-1741516510 Code: No. 08/062 Project No. RIRDC UQ-118A Description The horse industry makes a...
  20. iucifjr

    Epidemiology Workshop for Equine Research Workers

    Epidemiology Workshop for Equine Research Workers University of Sydney, Veterinary Conference Centre Edited by Professor Reuben Rose Pages: 110 Publisher: -- Edition: April 16th - 17th, 1998 Language: English RIRDC Publication No 98/61 RIRDC Project No WS978-09 Description The use of...