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    Low Cost facilities for livestock

    Low Cost facilities for livestock PDF 1.8 mb *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Savages and Beasts: The Birth of the Modern Zoo

    Savages and Beasts: The Birth of the Modern Zoo Johns Hopkins University Press | 2002 | ISBN : 0801869102 | 288 pages *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Heart Failure: Bench to Bedside (Contemporary Cardiology)

    Heart Failure: Bench to Bedside (Contemporary Cardiology) Publisher: Humana Number Of Pages: 850 Publication Date: 2010-06-20 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1607611465 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781607611462 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden...
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    Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Summary:

    Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Summary: Illumina | ISBN: 0981809219 | 2008-07-01 | PDF | 152 pages *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Ruminant Internal Parasites

    PARASIT_Miller_Ruminant_Internal_Parasites PDF File *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Do Hummingbirds Hum

    Do Hummingbirds Hum?: Fascinating Answers to Questions About Hummingbirds (Animal Q&a Series) Publisher: Rutgers University Number Of Pages: 208 Publication Date: 2010-04-15 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0813547385 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780813547381 Hummingbirds may be...
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    NRC dairy software

    NRC dairy cattle software *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Animals with Novel Genes

    ANIMALS WITH NOVEL GENES Edited by NORMAN MACLEAN University of Southampton Includes index. ISBN 0-521-43256-1 1. Transgenic animals. I. Maclean, Norman, 1932-. QH442.6.A54 1994 591.1'5'0724-dc20 94-11728 CIP ISBN-13 978-0-521-43256-6 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-43256-1 hardback ISBN-13...
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    Egg Incubation: Its Effects on Embryonic Development in Birds and Reptiles

    Egg Incubation: Its Effects on Embryonic Development in Birds and Reptiles by Charles Demming and Mark Fergusson Pages: 462 Publisher: -- Edition: 1992 Language: English ISBN: 978-0521390712 Description A recent rapid expansion in our knowledge of...
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    Reproduction, Theriogenology, Obstetrics

    Have you been able to download it for offline use? How?
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    Lectures Energy Requirement of Dairy Cows

    Energy Requirement of Dairy Quick Time Movie *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Tropical Fish Otoliths

    Tropical Fish Otoliths by Bridget S. Green, Bruce D. Mapstone, Gary Carlos, Gavin A. Begg Pages: 324 Publisher: Edition: 1st., 2009 Language: English ISBN: 1402035829 Description Techniques and theory for processing otoliths from tropical marine fish have developed only recently...
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    Flow Injection Analysis of Marine Samples

    Mirror Link *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    The Fats of Life: Essential Fatty Acids in Health and Disease

    By Glen D. Lawrence Publisher: Rutgers University Number Of Pages: 288 Publication Date: 2010-02-04 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 081354677X ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780813546773 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Why Do Bees Buzz?: Fascinating Answers to Questions about Bees

    Why Do Bees Buzz?: Fascinating Answers to Questions about Bees by Elizabeth Capaldi Publisher: -- Pages: 256 Publication Date: 2010-02-09 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0813547210 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780813547213 Description The format of this book is a little different from books on...
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    Your Calf: A Kid's Guide to Raising and Showing Beef and Dairy Calves

    Mirror Link *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Lectures Passage and Digestion Cattle Animation

    Passage and Digestion Cattle Animation WMV *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Lectures Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance

    Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance- video animations.mp4 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** :great:
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    Lectures Antimicriobial beta lactams MOA Animation

    Antimicriobial beta lactams MOA Animation MP4 Format *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Can anybody help in downloading bovine dystocia videos from: This format is not being recognized by any available software with me.