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  1. Animal

    Handbook of Small Animal MRI

    Handbook of Small Animal MRI By Ian Elliott...
  2. Animal

    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, 3rd Edition

    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, 3rd Edition By Paula Pattengale, Teresa Sonsthagen Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Third Edition provides practical, step-by-step instructions for preparing and performing a wide range of veterinary assisting tasks. With...
  3. Animal

    Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians

    Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians By Amy Johnson Small Animal Pathology for...
  4. Animal

    Applied Equine Nutrition and Training: Equine Nutrition and Training Conference 2013

    Applied Equine Nutrition and Training: Equine Nutrition and Training Conference 2013 By Arno Lindner This book describes recent developments in nutrition and training in sports horses. Special attention is given to the equine musculoskeletal system with a focus on tendons, a tissue...
  5. Animal

    Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria 3rd Edition

    Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria 3rd Edition By Charles O. Thoen, James H. Steele, John B. Kaneene Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria, Third Edition is a comprehensive review of the...
  6. Animal

    Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography

    Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography By Jessica A. Kidd, Kristina G. Lu, Michele L. Frazer. The only visual guide to equine ultrasonography based on digital ultrasound technology. Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography provides comprehensive coverage of both musculoskeletal and...
  7. Animal

    Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, 3rd Edition

    Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, 3rd Edition By James G. Fox, Robert P. Marini. Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide a current, comprehensive reference on the ferret. Encyclopedic in scope, it is the...
  8. Animal

    Small Animal Internal Medicine, 5th Edition

    Small Animal Internal Medicine, 5th Edition By Richard W. Nelson, C. Guillermo Couto With hundreds of images and a practical clinical emphasis, Small Animal Internal Medicine, 5th Edition helps you recognize, diagnose, and treat common internal disorders and conditions...
  9. Animal

    Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition

    Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition By Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell Highly respected in the field, Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat is the complete resource for developing the knowledge and skills you need for...
  10. Animal

    Incomplete Odontología de pequeños animales

    Por favor entiendan una comparte en las condiciones y en los formatos disponibles....No sean majaderos e insistentes con este tipo de cosas Saludos
  11. Animal

    Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal: 2-Volume Set

    Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal: 2-Volume Set Alternative *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  12. Animal

    Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XV

    Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XV By John D. Bonagura and David C. Twedt. Written by today’s leading experts, Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy, Volume XV keeps you completely current with the latest in disease management for dogs and cats. It uses a clear and practical approach to...
  13. Animal

    Tout savoir sur les nutriments qui guerissent chien et chat

    Tout savoir sur les nutriments qui guerissent chien et chat By Dominique Grandjean Le professeur Dominique Grandjean, responsable de l'Unité de Médecine de l'Élevage et du Sport et enseignant/chercheur en Nutrition Animale à l'École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, a compilé dans cet...
  14. Animal

    Key Topics in Conservation Biology

    Key Topics in Conservation Biology by David McDonald and Katherine Willis 2nd Edition Pages: 528 Publisher: -- Edition: 2nd., 2013 Language: English ISBN: 978-0470658758 Description Following the much acclaimed success of the first volume of Key Topics in Conservation Biology, this...
  15. Animal

    Guide juridique de la vente du chien et du chat

    Guide juridique de la vente du chien et du chat By Peccavy Maitre Celine Depuis plus de 40 ans, la passion du chat et du chien de race animent les équipes de royal canin. De cette passion est née notre philosophie : connaissance et respect. Pour royal canin le partenariat c'est aussi le...
  16. Animal

    's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Behavior

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  17. Animal

    's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion:: Canine and Feline Behavior

    's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Behavior By Debra F. Horwitz, Jacqueline C. Neilson Pet behavior problems are a leading cause of pet abandonment, relinquishment, abuse and neglect. As a reliable and educated source, veterinarians must help...
  18. Animal

    Microbiology Basic Veterinary Immunology (2014)

    Without watermark! *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  19. Animal

    Veterinary Medical Terminology Guide and Workbook

    Veterinary Medical Terminology Guide and Workbook By Angela Taibo Veterinary Medical Terminology Guide and Workbook provides a user-friendly guide for gaining an understanding of veterinary medical terms, from phonetic spelling and meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and roots to more...