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  1. babak DVM


    please re-upload these videos again. thanks
  2. babak DVM

    Request EquineClinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction

    Full book title (= title of the thread ) :Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and ReproductionAuthor(s) or Editor(s) :Graham Munroe, Scott WeesePages:864 pagesPublisher: Edition :1Pub date: June 13, 2011ISBN-10: and/or ISBN-13:1840761199
  3. babak DVM

    agha salar nemiy to site chizi benevisia inam rasmesh nashod (mano friend kon emtiaz begir)

    agha salar nemiy to site chizi benevisia inam rasmesh nashod (mano friend kon emtiaz begir)
  4. babak DVM

    I think blood veterinary internal medicine is one of the most comperihensive veterinary large...

    I think blood veterinary internal medicine is one of the most comperihensive veterinary large animals internal medicine and in the second stage smith internal medicine can be advised. WOUD YOU PLEASE TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE OTHER LARGE ANIMALS REFRENCES?
  5. babak DVM

    there are some technics to find out if the calf in the birth canal is alive or not ! 1-anal...

    there are some technics to find out if the calf in the birth canal is alive or not ! 1-anal reflex 2-oral sucking reflex 3-corneal reflex 4-pedal reflex BUT!!!!!! IN 5% OF ALIVE CALF WE CAN NOT FIND ENY OF THESE !!!!! what shoud we do to diagnose the alive calf and prevent fetotomy of an...