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  1. trunghieu1985

    Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology

    Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology [Hardcover] Stephen C. Newman (Author), Newman (Author) Product Description An introduction to classical biostatistical methods in epidemiology. Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology provides an...
  2. trunghieu1985

    Article from Sciencedirect

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  3. trunghieu1985

    The control of microbial diseases in animals: alternatives to the use of antibiotics

    The control of microbial diseases in animals: alternatives to the use of antibiotics Martin Wierup, Swedish Animal Health Service, 12186 Johanneshov, Sweden Abstract In animal husbandry the control and prevention of infectious diseases is of basic economic importance. The...
  4. trunghieu1985

    Articles about alpha2 drugs in ruminants

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  5. trunghieu1985


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  6. trunghieu1985

    Few From Equine Veterinary Journal and equine education i

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  7. trunghieu1985


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  8. trunghieu1985


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  9. trunghieu1985

    One from Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

    articles No 1&2 solved check your PM
  10. trunghieu1985

    5 papers: 2 poultry science, 1 springer, 1 wiley and 1 cambridge

    Springerlink and Cambridge articles solved
  11. trunghieu1985

    Gerontology formerly Gerontologia (Karger)

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  12. trunghieu1985

    2 articles from springerlink

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  13. trunghieu1985

    ISO 6579:2002 for salmonella spp. Isolation

    ISO 6579:2002 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp.This International Standard specifies a horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella, including Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi. Subject to the limitations...
  14. trunghieu1985

    Request Clinical Veterinary Microbiology and Veterinary Microbiology: Bacterial and Fungal Agents

    Re: Clinical Veterinary Microbiology and Veterinary Microbiology: Bacterial and Fungal Age Clinical Veterinary Microbiology
  15. trunghieu1985

    Microbiology Clinical Veterinary Microbiology

    Clinical Veterinary Microbiology by Quinn, Carter, Markey and Carter Product details Hardcover: 684 pages Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., (1 Nov 1993) Language English ISBN-10: 0723417113 ISBN-13: 978-0723417118 Product Description Veterinary...
  16. trunghieu1985

    Animal Models of Neurological Disease, II Metabolic Encephalopathies and the Epilepsies

    Animal Models of Neurological Disease, II : Metabolic Encephalopathies and the Epilepsies by Alan Boulton Pages: 380 Publisher: -- Edition: 1992 Serie: Neuromethods, Vol. 22 ISBN-10: 0896032116 ISBN-13: 9780896032118 Description These books go out of their way to be helpful. Most...
  17. trunghieu1985

    an article about equine piroplasmosis

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  18. trunghieu1985


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  19. trunghieu1985

    Animal Reproducction science

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  20. trunghieu1985

    Masters Identi cation and Characterization of Salmonella Serotypes Isolated from Pork and Poultry

    Identi cation and Characterization of Salmonella Serotypes Isolated from Pork and Poultry from Commercial Sources Yulie Edith Meneses University of Nebraska at Lincoln, [email protected] Salmonella is one of the leading causes of foodborne illness worldwide, and it is estimated that 1.4...