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  1. trunghieu1985

    Request Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology Volume 1-2

    I have updated new link for your requested book at here
  2. trunghieu1985

    Physiology Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology Volume 1-2

    Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd edition (2-Volume Set) 2001 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  3. trunghieu1985

    Request Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia

    here search carefully before posting
  4. trunghieu1985

    Developmental Biology (9th edition)

    Developmental Biology, Ninth Edition by Scott F. Gilbert, 2010 Pages: 711 and 699 illustrations Publisher: -- Edition: th., 2010 Language: English ISBN: 978-0878933846 Description During the past four years, the field of developmental biology has begun a new metamorphosis...
  5. trunghieu1985

    Masters Evaluation of aquaculture techniques to improve growth and health of Ohio sport fish.

    Evaluation of aquaculture techniques to improve growth and health of Ohio sport fish, sunshine bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis) and walleye Sander vitreus Bowzer, John Cory Degree: Master of Science, Ohio State University, Environmental Science, 2010. Abstract: Reducing operational...
  6. trunghieu1985

    Masters Optimizing Larval Fish Survival and Growth through an Analysis of ConsumeR...

    Optimizing Larval Fish Survival and Growth through an Analysis of Consumer and Resource Interactions in Percid Culture Ponds Briland, Ruth Degree: Master of Science, Ohio State University, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, 2010. Abstract: Management of aquaculture systems...
  7. trunghieu1985

    Oceans and Health - Pathogens in the Marine Environment

    Oceans and Health - Pathogens in the Marine Environment Edited by Shimshon S Belkin and Rita R Colwell Springer October 2005 Product Details Hardcover: 478 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (September 30, 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 0387237089 ISBN-13...
  8. trunghieu1985

    The Laboratory Fish

    The Laboratory Fish Copyright © 2000 Ltd. All rights reserved Edited by: Gary K Ostrander ISBN: 978-0-12-529650-2 Product...
  9. trunghieu1985

    Principles of water quality control (Fifth Edition)

    Principles of Water Quality control (Fifth Edition) Author(s): PhD, SM, BSc, CEng, FICE, FCIWEM T.H.Y. Tebbutt Pages: Publisher: -- Edition: 5th., Language: English ISBN...
  10. trunghieu1985

    Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps

    MIRROR ( link) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  11. trunghieu1985

    Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture - 2nd edition (2010)

    Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture by Beaumont , Boudry and Hoare Pages: 216 Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Edition: 2010 Language: English ISBN: 978-1405188570 Description Following the extremely well-received structure of the first edition, this...
  12. trunghieu1985

    Issues of decapod crustacean biology

    Issues of Decapod Crustacean Biology Series: Developments in Hydrobiology, Vol. 184 Thessalou-Legaki, Maria (Ed.) Reprinted from Hydrobiologia volume 557, 2006 2006, VIII, 160 p. Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4020-4599-8 About this book This volume presents the proceedings of the eighth...
  13. trunghieu1985

    Two articles about "Sex determination and sex differentiation in fish"

    Environmental Effects on Fish Sex Determination and Differentiation Sex Dev 2009;3:118-135 (DOI: 10.1159/000223077) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** and Sex determination and sex differentiation in fish: an overview of...
  14. trunghieu1985

    Environmental Effects on Fish Sex Determination and Differentiation

    thanks, but not the one I am looking for. My request solved anyway.
  15. trunghieu1985

    Environmental Effects on Fish Sex Determination and Differentiation

    I am looking for this article. can anyone help me? thanks in advance Environmental Effects on Fish Sex Determination and Differentiation J.F. Baroillera, H. D’Cottaa, E. Saillantb aCIRAD, Upr20, Dept. Persyst, Campus International de Baillarguet, Montpellier, France; bThe University of...
  16. trunghieu1985

    The Knowledge Base for Fisheries Management

    The Knowledge Base for Fisheries Management Volume 36 (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science) by Lorenzo Motos and Douglas Wilson Pages: 476 Pages Published: AUG-2006 Language: English ISBN 10: 0-444-52850-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-444-52850-6 Description Fisheries are in a state...
  17. trunghieu1985

    Immunobiology Interactive 6th (Janeway, 2008) – CD-ROM

    Immunobiology Interactive 6th (Janeway, 2008) – CD-ROM Publisher: Garland Science Publishing | ISBN: 0815341016 | ISO | 624.9MB | 5% recovery Immunobiology, Sixth Edition is an introductory text for use in immunology courses for undergraduates...
  18. trunghieu1985

    Request blackwell's five-minute veterinary consult canine and feline 4th pdf edition

    search carefully before posting
  19. trunghieu1985

    The Encyclopedia of Cell Technology, 2 Volume Set

    MIRROR *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. trunghieu1985

    The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture, Second Edition

    The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture by Frank Asche and Trond Bjørndal Pages: 248 Publisher: Wiley Edition: Second Edition, 2011. Language: English ISBN: 978-0852382899 Description First published in 1990, The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture was the first book to...