Search results

  1. drnaveengt

    Reproduction in The Camel - Collection

    Do you have any resources like video, notes describing routine procedures like application of nose peg in camel, physical restriant methods ( I found Fowler's Book is not that good in camelid's section). Plz post them if u have.
  2. drnaveengt

    Pedigree viewer

    That's right. Here's the working link. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  3. drnaveengt

    Request Textbook of practical physiology by gk pal

    Put this in ebook request thread in following format to get better response. Title: Textbook of Practical Physiology ( Paperback) Author: G.K. Pal and P. Pal Product Details Paperback: 530 pages Publisher: Sangam Books Ltd (July 25, 2001) ISBN-10: 8125020217 ISBN-13...
  4. drnaveengt

    Documentary Herriot's TV Series and Audiobooks

    Here's the Pagelink on Piratebay listing torrents of TV series based on James Herriot's - All Creatures Great and Small. Just found that there is much to learn through entertainment by watching the episodes of the series. Link...
  5. drnaveengt

    Misc. Links

    The lacking of humbleness and willingness in a new comer to follow the forum rules(at least to read them) and respect fellow members made this to you
  6. drnaveengt


    Got this msg when I clicked on file link. vBulletin Message drnaveengt, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's...
  7. drnaveengt

    Am here. Check the links, they link to Sorry, but we cannot find your URLmsg on ebook30 everytime

    Am here. Check the links, they link to Sorry, but we cannot find your URLmsg on ebook30 everytime
  8. drnaveengt


    And the missing link saga by sachdeva continues
  9. drnaveengt

    veterinary dentis

    Don't repeat the same mistake:angry:
  10. drnaveengt

    Small Animal Clinical Techniques (CD) 2009

    Here's another mirror link to the Techniques CD. The content of CD is very helpful to a novice practitioner. Link EXPIRED I have changed the format to iso and rard it to decrease file size. Download and install following application and mount the extracted image on virtual drive. So, no need...
  11. drnaveengt

    TECvet - Online videos

    Really good site. But they have content in Portuguese. So, for others I am posting this link through google translator. Click me
  12. drnaveengt

    Books about Animal trypanosomiasis

    First book, field guide is avlbe on FAO website. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Second book also is on FAO website. See the link *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum...
  13. drnaveengt

    Abomasal Displacement - All

    This ppt is available online.Click the link to start download. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  14. drnaveengt

    Online tutorials from Cornell

    I think No one other than Cornell staff or student will be given a free Net ID 4 access 2 some of the stuff posted here.
  15. drnaveengt

    Bovine Necropsy

    Here is a website by Colorado University which is very useful in learning necropsy procedure. Click here to view the page.
  16. drnaveengt

    Classic Cases in Veterinary Dermatology

    Is it the one on RCVS website? I think so:rolleyes:
  17. drnaveengt

    ''How to Stitch Up Wounds'' Suturing Kit CD-ROM

    The password for .rar extrn is not working. Plz post valid password.