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  1. Hope

    Vetprep PowerLectures (2023)

    PowerLectures are mini-reviews that guide you through the most pertinent material with streaming audio and slides. Each lecture is short (usually between 5 and 15 minutes) and intended to emphasize the aspects of each disease that is most important and most likely to be emphasized on your board...
  2. Hope

    1800 Veterinary board flash cards

    Introducing the ultimate study tool for veterinary students and professionals preparing for board exams - a comprehensive set of 1800 flashcards covering all aspects of veterinary medicine! Each flashcard in this set has been carefully crafted by experts in the field to cover all of the...
  3. Hope

    Surgery Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, 2e (2023)

    Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Provides a fully updated new edition of this comprehensive, detailed reference to surgical syndromes and diseases in small animals Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, Second Edition offers a thoroughly revised new edition of this comprehensive, detailed...
  4. Hope

    Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspects, 2e (2023)

    Guide to Ruminant Anatomy Familiarize yourself with the anatomy of ruminants and food animals with this up-to-date guide Guide to Ruminant Anatomy provides a richly illustrated guide tailored to the practical needs of veterinary clinicians. Divided for ease of use into sections representing...
  5. Hope

    Surgery Diagnosis of Lameness in Dogs, 1e (2023)

    Diagnosis of Lameness in Dogs provides general practice vets with a practical, step-by-step guide to performing the orthopedic diagnostic exam, including basic diagnostic imaging and advanced techniques such as CT, MRI, ultrasound, and arthroscopy, and arriving at a correct diagnosis. Treatment...
  6. Hope

    Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners, 1e (2023)

    Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners Comprehensive reference on the diseases and applied epidemiology of all aquatic animal taxa, including invertebrates and vertebrates Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners provides...
  7. Hope

    Internal Medicine Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat, 1e (2023)

    Urinalysis in the Dog and CatA comprehensive up to date textbook for performing and interpreting urinalysis in dogs and cats with content that remains accessible to those in primary care and specialty practices. In Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat, a logical sequence to collection of urine...
  8. Hope

    Diagnostic Imaging Atlas of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging, 1e (2023)

    Atlas of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging provides a comprehensive, multimodality atlas of small animal diagnostic imaging, with high-quality images depicting radiography, scintigraphy, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Taking a traditional body systems...
  9. Hope

    Vetprep PowerLectures (2023)

    A VetPrep PowerLecture is a focused and brief lecture on an important NAVLE® review topic. The goal of the PowerLecture is to keep information pertinent and condensed. There are over 150 concise PowerLectures which range in length from around 1-10 minutes each. *** Hidden text: You do not have...
  10. Hope

    Infectious Diseases of the Horse: Diagnosis, pathology, management, and public health, 2e (2022)

    A clinician and a pathologist collaborate to create a comprehensive yet practical book about established infectious diseases of horses, categorised according to the different pathogens. The book evaluates the latest diagnostic aids, including rapid developments in molecular biology, while...
  11. Hope

    Atlas of Veterinary Surgical Pathology, 1e (2022)

    Atlas of Veterinary Surgical Pathology delivers a comprehensive exploration of the lesions and diseases most commonly encountered by veterinary practitioners in small animals and horses. The book includes coverage of diseases of the skin, eye, and musculoskeletal systems, and male and female...
  12. Hope

    Vetprep Navle (Unlimited review)

    Unlimited review vetprep questions , PM for price! Limited sale 3 buyers
  13. Hope

    Finishing pigs (pig signals)

    For the pork producer, the top priorities are growth and feed conversion. But managing a finishing pig operation requires more than just providing good feed. Raising healthy, peaceful pigs is at least as important, and the livestock manager can also have a great deal of control over these...
  14. Hope

    Training Course Dairy Feeding and Management Online Course (Mike Hutjens) 2022

    Inside The Dairy Feeding and Management Online Course More than 50 modules so you can become an expert on dairy feeding. Module 1 – Driving Dry Matter Intake Module 2 – Understanding Nutrients Module 3 – Roaming Through the Rumen Module 4 – Phase Feeding Concepts Module 5 – Dry Cow Feeding and...
  15. Hope

    Request Small Animal Anesthesia Techniques 2nd Edition
  16. Hope

    Anaesthesia Small Animal Anesthesia Techniques, 2e (2022)

    Concise, practical reference to the technical aspects of delivering anesthesia in small animal practice Small Animal Anesthesia Techniques offers quick reference to essential information for anesthetizing canine, feline, and exotic animal patients, presenting easy-to-follow protocols to support...
  17. Hope

    Opthalamology Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease, 1e (2022)

    Complete reference work for diseases and conditions in dogs and cats pertaining to the eye Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease is a practical and user-friendly reference of common ocular diseases and conditions. Maintaining an image-heavy approach, the book presents multiple...
  18. Hope

    Opthalamology Small Animal Ophthalmic Atlas and Guide, 1e (2022)

    Small Animal Ophthalmic Atlas and Guide is designed to offer a quick reference to common ocular conditions in dogs and cats, presenting high-quality color photographs to facilitate diagnosis and offering details on each condition to support clinicians in clinical decision making. In addition to...
  19. Hope

    Illustrated Textbook of Clinical Diagnosis in Farm Animals, 1e (2022)

    "I really don't think this book will ever be surpassed as the 'go-to' clinical ruminant reference for undergraduates, recent grads and vets in mixed practice who do not spend the majority of their time with farm animals." -- Neil Frame, Cert.E.P, Cert.V.A, RCVS Advanced Practitioner (Equine...
  20. Hope

    Goat Medicine, 3e (2022)

    Provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the full range of diseases potentially occurring in goats across the wide spectrum of geographic and management conditions in which goats are kept, from extensive grazing to intensive dairy production to backyard pet. Goat Medicine, Third...