Textbook of Histology, 5th Edition, brings you up to date with all that’s new in the field, while providing a solid foundation in the basic science and clinical application of cellular and molecular biology. Concise and highly illustrated, it functions as both a text and a histology laboratory...
Featuring unparalleled full-color illustrations and detailed descriptions, Miller and Evan’s Anatomy of the Dog, 5th Edition makes it easy to master the intricate details of canine morphology. Content has been updated throughout the text to reflect the latest knowledge regarding the development...
Histology: An Essential Textbook is a concise, multimedia study guide for medical students who need to learn the functions and related correlations of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body. Professor D.J. Lowrie, Jr. has written a unique and practical medical histology resource based on...
Long-trusted in the field, Cowell & Tyler’s Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition is the complete resource for helping you learn the necessary skills to diagnosis and treat dogs and cats. This essential clinical reference includes detailed illustrations to help you...
Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced...
The newest addition to the highly regarded Robbins family of pathology references, Robbins Essential Pathology is a concise resource that covers the core knowledge needed for coursework and exams in an integrated, multimedia format designed for today’s students. Ideal for use with an integrated...
Learn to master a highly specialized form of animal surgery. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition offers a unique, detailed, comprehensive and highly illustrated account of surgical procedures that will improve outcomes for all surgical and dental specialists. The second...
This premier volume of Advances in Small Animal Care, a yearly multi-specialty publication, publishes the most current thinking and recent advances in small animal veterinary practice from the voice of a truly distinguished editorial board, including Editor-in-Chief Philip H. Kass and a stellar...
Welcome to the companion site for Bovine Reproduction, 2nd Edition edited by Richard M. Hopper. This website gives you access to the rich tools and resources available for this text.
On this website you will find:
Figure PPTX
Table PDFs
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Bringing together a globally diverse range of timely topics related to zoo and wild animals, Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 9 is an invaluable tool for any professional working directly with wildlife and zoo animals. The text’s user-friendly format guides readers through biology...
There has been a growing interest in toxicologic pathology, especially as related to its impact on the safety assessment of pharmaceuticals and chemicals, and in drug development. Thus, there is a growing need for an Illustrated Dictionary of Toxicology Pathology and Safety Science (IDTP) that...
This book is a down to earth, practical guide which provides ten simple steps for success for anyone responsible for recruiting a winning veterinary practice team: whether they are recruiting employees and building their team, or changing culture and creating a supportive environment where...
This database is intended to facilitate the ability of veterinary students and practitioners to make an accurate anatomic diagnosis of disorders of the nervous system in domestic animals.
The video clips on this web site are a component of the fifth edition of de Lahunta's Veterinary...
Breed Predispositions to Dental and Oral Disease in Dogs offers a practical guide to breed predispositions to dental disease. Designed to support veterinarians in making clinical decisions and communicating with clients, the book provides a thorough understanding of the differences between...
Since the publication of the first edition of Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters in 2009, research and practice in the field of shelter medicine have advanced significantly. This updated second edition of that seminal work provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to...
The newly revised Second Edition of Bovine Reproduction delivers a comprehensive overview of all major issues in bovine reproduction. Written by leading experts in the subject, the book is an indispensable reference for any veterinarian dealing with bovine fertility.
Bovine Reproduction is...
Immerse yourself in every aspect of the veterinary technology field with McCurnin’s Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians, 9th Edition, covering small and large animals, birds, reptiles, and small mammals. With a new zoonoses theme threaded throughout each chapter, this comprehensive...
Chagas disease - HSTalks
Dengue- biology, diagnosis and pathology - HSTalks
Dengue- epidemiology, prevention and control - HSTalks
Eliminating human rabies deaths- rabies as a disease and a global burden - HSTalks
Eliminating human rabies deaths- targeting the elimination of rabies - HSTalks...
Aging and protein homeostasis - HSTalks
Autophagy and neurodegeneration - HSTalks
Autophagy dysfunction in lysosomal storage disorders - HSTalks
Cargo receptors for selective autophagy - HSTalks
Lysosomal storage diseases - HSTalks
Lysosome damage and autophagy during neu rodegenerative...
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