Search results

  1. macko

    Request of several articles

    I need help with these articles, Does anybody can help me?? Vet Rec. 1995 May 20;136(20):511-4. Effect of various levels of T-2 toxin in the immune system of growing pigs. Rafai P, Tuboly S, Bata A, Tilly P, Ványi A, Papp Z, Jakab L, Túry E. PMID: 7660548 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]...
  2. macko

    Handbook of Pig Medicine

    I have checked the link, now is working fine, try again and tell more detailed if you have error. Remember .zipx file is open with winzip 12. Yesterday mediafire was not working good.
  3. macko

    Handbook of Pig Medicine

    HANDBOOK OF PIG MEDICINE Authors: Peter Jackson, Peter Cockcroft, Edition: 1st Edition Pages: 308 pages Publisher: Saunders Ltd Publication Date: May - 2007 Language: English ISBN-10: 0702028282 ISBN-13: 978-0702028281 Format: PDF Password: None Description Filling a much needed place in...
  4. macko

    Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine Expert Consult, 7th Edition.

    Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine Expert Consult, 7th Edition By Stephen J. Ettinger, DVM, DACVIM and Edward C. Feldman, DVM, DACVIM Pages: 2208 Publisher: -- Edition: 7th., 2 Volumes, 2010 Language: English ISBN-13: 978-1416065937 Description Now in its 7th edition, this popular...
  5. macko

    Adams' Lameness in Horses 5th Edition (Spanish Version)

    ADAMS CLAUDICACIONES EN EQUINOS by TED S. STASHAK PAGES: 1263 p. PUBLISHER: INTERMEDICA EDITION: 5th., 2003 LANGUAJE: CASTELLANO IBSN: 978-9505553421 Description Contents: 1.- Anatomía funcional de los órganos locomotores equinos. 2.- Conformación y movimiento. 3.-...
  6. macko

    Reference Manager v 12

    Some doubts!!!! hi VetSam, Thank you for your help, before you posted I received this option for Reference Manager 12 :meuh: and It is working fine I think, because bibliographic managers are a new tool that I never used. Actually I do this manually:forget:. What is the diference between...
  7. macko

    Reference Manager v 12

    Hi all members, Does anybody have this program? Reference Manager Version 12 It would be great if you can share it Regards
  8. macko

    Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology (4th Edition)

    Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology by Larry P. Tilley, Francis Smith Jr., Mark Oyama, Meg Sleeper Pages: 464 pages Publisher: -- Edition: 4 Edition, 2007 Language: English ISBN: 978-1416023982 Description Effectively recognize and manage a wide range of cardiovascular conditions...
  9. macko

    Ageing of horses

    The last one working fine for me Thank you very much Regards!!!
  10. macko

    Ageing of horses

    I can´t download the file, I only obtain a file wich have 0 kb ???
  11. macko

    Request Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques 6th Edition

    I am looking for this book Does anybody can help me!!! Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques 6th Edition Authors: John D. Bancroft, Marilyn Gamble Edition: 6th Edition Pages: 744 pages Publisher: Churchill Livingstone Year of Publication: 2007 Language: English ISBN-10: 0443102791...
  12. macko

    Request From Barnes & Noble a free Ebook

    Probably you couldn´t get it because is free to download but with an IP from USA Maybe somebody from North America can download it for you Regards!!!
  13. macko

    Pain Management Secrets, 3rd Edition

    Pain Management Secrets, 3rd Edition By Charles E. Argoff MD, Gary McCleane MD * Publisher: Mosby * Number Of Pages: 408 * Publication Date: 2009-07-27 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0323040195 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780323040198 Product Description: No matter what questions...
  14. macko

    Equine Medicine and Surgery 4th Edition Vol. I. (spanish version)

    Medicina y Cirugía Equina 4ta Edición Vol. I. Equine Medicine and Surgery 4th Edition Vol. I. by Patrick Colahan, Ian Mayhew, Alfred Merritt, James Moore. Edition: 4th., 1998 Volumes: Vol. I Pages: 772 p. Editorial: Inter-medica, 1998 ISBN: 978-950-555-203-0 Pass: vet4arabpassfans...
  15. macko

    Brucella Canis reference???

    Hi to everyone, In the new book edition "Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat" 3rd Edition reprint revised of Craig E. Green all the reference came on a CD not on printed book I request for the chapter...
  16. macko

    Equine Infectious Diseases

    Ok, Pag. 314 fig. 36-2 Pag. 315 fig. 36-3 Pag. 422 all figs Pag. 425 Figs 56-6/7 Pag. 449 Fig. 58-7 Pag. 455 all figs Pag. 458. Fig 59-5 Pag. 459 Fig. 59-7 Pag. 461 Fig. 59-10 Pag. 462 Fig. 59-13 The first 2 pages the images are missing and the others pages the figs are damaged. Regards!!!
  17. macko

    Equine Infectious Diseases

  18. macko

    Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle - 2nd Edition [DvD Only]

    Is it possibly to get the e-book too??? It´s a pretty good book... Thanks in advance
  19. macko

    Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide: Canine and Feline

    Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide: Canine and Feline By Candyce M. Jack LVT, Patricia M. Watson LVT Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Pages: 696 Edition: 2008-08-18 Language: English ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0813812046 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780813812045 Description Veterinary Technician's Daily...
  20. macko

    Online tutorials from Cornell

    You´re Welcome :raisehat: