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  1. Vetaqua


    Be the 1st or next one to wish all of us a HAPPY NEW YEAR at 00.01 a.m. or later : ..... :agree:
  2. Vetaqua

    Induced breeding in tropical fish culture

    Brian Harvey and J. Carolsfeld Induced breeding in tropical fish culture International Development Research Centre 1993 Abstract-The book summarizes current knowledge of the reproductive endocrinology of fish, and applies this knowledge to a practical end: manipulation of reproduction in...
  3. Vetaqua

    W***ey Online

    :rose3: Köck, G. 2014. "Die toxische Wirkung von Schwermetallen auf Fische – Beiträge zur Festlegung von Immissionsbereichen für Kupfer, Cadmium, Quecksilber, Chrom, Nickel, Blei und Zink aus fischbiologischer Sicht." Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie: Grundlagen - Gewässerbelastung -...
  4. Vetaqua


    We officially do not upload anything actively here! We officially will just support by showing where "something probably is available just by itself luckily somewhere in the big, big world-wide web", anything else is active copyright infringement! And officially we do not support that! So if...
  5. Vetaqua

    HUMAN Medicine Support

    For all Requests (and exclusive support) particularly NOT concerned in VETERINARY Medicine, so all HUMAN issues just go here: -> But of course as a general veterinary supporter you can also still go on feeding our Human-Medicine-Section casually as well! ->...
  6. Vetaqua

    Diseases of Aquatic Organisms - Journal

    Please support :rose3: Takafumi Ito et al. Effects of experimentally induced infections of goldfish Carassius auratus with cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2) at various water temperatures DAO 110:193-200 (2014) - doi:10.3354/dao02759 Tomáš...
  7. Vetaqua

    Welfare and Use of Invertebrates in the Laboratory and Classroom (ILAR Journal)

    Spineless Wonders: Welfare and Use of Invertebrates in the Laboratory and Classroom (Vol. 52:2) “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – George Orwell, Animal Farm Invertebrates may be spineless, but they certainly aren’t worthless. Consider the honey bee, which...
  8. Vetaqua

    Aquaculture Economics & Management (Taylor & Francis)

    Please help me with this one: . Lian Chuan Lim, Andrew Soh, Philippe Dhert & Patrick Sorgeloos Production and application of on‐grown Artemia in freshwater ornamental fish farm Aquaculture Economics & Management Volume 5, Issue 3-4, 2001 DOI: 10.1080/13657300109380288 ...
  9. Vetaqua

    Aaha & aafp guidelines

    AAHA Guidelines American Animal Hospital Association Guidelines are developed by a team of experts to provide recommendations...
  10. Vetaqua

    Feline Topics

    Kathryn Michel and Margie Scherk From Problem to Success : Feline weight loss programs that work Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2012 14: 327 DOI: 10.1177/1098612X12444999 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Laura K...
  11. Vetaqua

    Hemotropic mycoplasmas & Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) in cats

    Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78: Hemotrofe mycoplasmen bij katten Deel 1: literatuuroverzicht (dutch) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Hemotropic mycoplasmas in cats Part 2: case report (english) *** Hidden...
  12. Vetaqua

    Demonstration How to give a cat tablets

    How to give a cat tablets Very nice Tutorial for (Home-) Practice: Source: .mp4 Language: English Edition: 2010 Runing Time: 4:31 Description Practical technique to give orally a dewormer tablet to a cat. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit...
  13. Vetaqua

    2013 AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel Report

    Susan E Little, Shila K Nordone and Andrew H Sparkes Margie A Scherk, Richard B Ford, Rosalind M Gaskell, Katrin Hartmann, Kate F Hurley, Michael R Lappin, Julie K Levy, 2013 AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel Report Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2013 15: 785 DOI...
  14. Vetaqua

    Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions Targeting the Skin in Dogs and Cats

    K.L. Voie, K.L. Campbell and S.N. Lavergne Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions Targeting the Skin in Dogs and Cats Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine Volume 26, Issue 4, July-August 2012, Pages: 863–874 Article first published online : 21 APR 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2012.00927.x ***...
  15. Vetaqua

    Veterinary Anesthetic and Analgesic Formulary 3rd. Ed. (UC Denver)

    University of Colorado - Denver Veterinary Anesthetic and Analgesic Formulary 3rd. Ed. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Contents: I. Introduction and Use of the UC-Denver Veterinary Formulary II. Anesthetic and Analgesic...
  16. Vetaqua

    Fish Health Management (Various )

    Just go on following all links and Cross-Links and all that is provided on the given sites...! Examples: Fish Health Management Considerations in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Fish Health Management Considerations in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems - Part 1: Introduction and General...
  17. Vetaqua

    The transport of live fish

    R. Berka The transport of live fish A review EUROPEAN INLAND FISHERIES - ADVISORY COMMISSION EIFAC - Technical Paper No. 48 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, © FAO 1986 ABSTRACT The basic principles of fish transport and the main factors affecting it (fish species...
  18. Vetaqua

    Feline Ophthalmology

    Natasha Mitchell . Feline Ophthalmology Part 1: Examination of the eye Irish Veterinary Journal Volume 59 (3) : March, 2006 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** . Feline Ophthalmology Part 2: Clinical presentation and aetiology...
  19. Vetaqua

    Handbook of Aquatic Animal Health Procedures and Protocols

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Handbook of Aquatic Animal Health Procedures and Protocols ONLINE *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. Vetaqua


    On some pages the header currently shows: