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  1. Animal

    Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine: Photobiomodulation

    Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine: Photobiomodulation By Ronald J. Riegel (Editor), John C. Godbold, Jr. (Editor) Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine: Photobiomodulation is a complete guide to using therapeutic lasers to treat veterinary patients, focusing on practical information...
  2. Animal

    Equine Clinical Immunology

    Equine Clinical Immunology by M. Julia B. Felippe Equine Clinical Immunology offers comprehensive information on equine immunological disorders. Focusing specifically on diagnosing, treating, and managing conditions of the immune system in horses, the book is edited by a leading...
  3. Animal

    BHS Complete Training Manual for Stage 2

    BHS Complete Training Manual for Stage 2 By Islay Auty Written for the BHS by a chief examiner and based on the latest syllabus, this revised and expanded edition of the training manual provides clear guidelines on the requirements of this examination. It fully describes the level of...
  4. Animal

    Pig Disease Identification and Diagnosis Guide: A Farm Handbook

    Pig Disease Identification and Diagnosis Guide: A Farm Handbook by Steven McOrist Pork is one of the world's most widely consumed meats, with the pig industry undergoing recent rapid expansion across Asia and Latin America. This full-colour Q & A handbook covers around 100 cases of the...
  5. Animal

    Horse Genetics, 2nd Edition

    Horse Genetics, 2nd Edition by Ernest Bailey This is a fully updated edition of the widely read textbook by Dr Ann T. Bowling, following the sequencing of the complete horse genome. This is the only text to provide broad coverage of all genetics topics, focussing on horses. It covers all...
  6. Animal

    Rodent Pests and Their Control, 2nd Edition

    Rodent Pests and Their Control, 2nd Edition by Alan P. Buckle (Author, Editor), Robert H. Smith The most numerous of the world's invasive species, rodent pests have a devastating impact on agriculture, food, health and the environment. In the last two decades, the science and practice of...
  7. Animal

    Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care

    Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care by Marit Emilie Buseth This book is an essential, thorough, very practical guide to understanding and caring for your rabbit. By following the advice in this book, both rabbit owners and veterinary health professionals report healthier and more content...
  8. Animal

    Sheep Health, Husbandry and Disease: A Photographic Guide

    Sheep Health, Husbandry and Disease: A Photographic Guide by Agnes C. Winter This comprehensive book covers all aspects of sheep health and disease, and sheep husbandry throughout the annual breeding cycle. Through extensive and detailed photographs it highlights the disease and welfare...
  9. Animal

    Nutrition and Disease Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses 2nd Edition

    Nutrition and Disease Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses 2nd Edition by...
  10. Animal

    Anatomy Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook, 3rd Edition

    Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook, 3rd Edition by...
  11. Animal

    Virus Infections of Ruminants (Virus Infections of Vertebrates, 3)

    Virus Infections of Ruminants (Virus Infections of Vertebrates, 3) by...
  12. Animal

    Zoonotic Viruses of Northern Eurasia: Taxonomy and Ecology

    Zoonotic Viruses of Northern Eurasia: Taxonomy and Ecology by...
  13. Animal

    Clinical Equine Oncology, 1st Edition

    Clinical Equine Oncology, 1st Edition by Derek C. Knottenbelt OBE...
  14. Animal

    Physiology Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice, Second Edition

    Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice, Second Edition by...
  15. Animal

    Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, 4th Edition

    Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy: Foundations and Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Interventions 4th Edition by...
  16. Animal

    Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care for Veterinary Technicians, 3rd Edition

    Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care for Veterinary Technicians 3rd Edition by...
  17. Animal

    Anatomy Saunders Veterinary Anatomy Flash Cards, 2nd Edition

    Saunders Veterinary Anatomy Flash Cards 2nd Edition by...
  18. Animal

    Mammals of South America, Volume 2 : Rodents

    Mammals of South America, Volume 2 : Rodents by James L. Patton...
  19. Animal

    Introduction to Veterinary Medical Ethics

    Introduction to Veterinary Medical Ethics by...
  20. Animal

    The Genetics of Cattle, 2nd Edition

    The Genetics of Cattle 2nd Edition by...