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  1. diego yañez

    Request Atlas of Veterinary Teratology: Developmental Abnormalities

    Author(s) or Editor(s) :Ashraf Sobhy Mohamad Saber Pages: 432 Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Edition : first Pub date: 2013 ISBN-10: and/or ISBN-13: 3846500402, 9783846500408 Link to the ebook version of the book : It doesn´t exist
  2. diego yañez


    This is my own job, part of a group of theses to obtain our veterinary medicine diploma. Hope you enjoy it. We use pcr to detect the gen, and then we´ve obtain and compare the amplicon secuencies, against the blatem gen that is stored in the GenBank. Title: Detection of bla-tem resistance gene...
  3. diego yañez

    manual de reanimacion cardiovascular y cerebral en perro y gato

    Manual de Reanimación Cardiovascular y Cerebral del Perro y Gato Handbook of cardiovascular and brain re-animation of the dog and cat (SPANISH VERSION). By Author: José Antonio Ibancovichi Publisher: Editorial Alfil- Pfizer. Pages: 50 Language: Spanish Format: PDF Size: 6.3 MB Description...
  4. diego yañez

    Apoptosis: A review of programmed cell death

    Apoptosis: A Review of Programmed Cell Death Susan Elmore NIEHS, Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA Published in final edited form as: Toxicol Pathol. 2007 ; 35(4): 495–516. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the...
  5. diego yañez

    Anoikis: News and commentary

    News and Commentary Anoikis AP Gilmore* ,1 1 Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Matrix Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, A.3034 Michael Smith Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT, UK * Corresponding author: AP Gilmore, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Matrix Research...
  6. diego yañez

    Detection of novel papillomaviruslike sequences in feline skin carcinomas

    Detection of novel papillomaviruslike sequences in paraffin-embedded specimens of invasive and in situ squamous cell carcinomas from cats Gilles Nespeca, Med Vet; Paula Grest, DVM; Wayne S. Rosenkrantz, DVM; Mathias Ackermann, DVM, PhD; Claude Favrot, DrVet, MS Published in 2006...
  7. diego yañez

    Individual Animals of a Cattle Herd Infected with the Same M.bovis genotype shows....

    Individual Animals of a Cattle Herd Infected with the Same Mycobacterium bovis Genotype Shows Important Variations in Bacteriological, Histopathological and Immune Response Parameters. V. Meikle, M. Schneider, G. Azenzo, M. Zumarraga, G. Magnano and A. Cataldi Published in September 2006...
  8. diego yañez

    Classification and Grading of Canine Mammary Tumors

    Classification and Grading of Canine Mammary Tumors Vet Pathol 2011 48: 117 M. Goldschmidt, L. Peña, R. Rasotto and V. Zappulli
  9. diego yañez

    Application of thrombelastography/thromboelastometry to veterinary medicine

    Application of thrombelastography/thromboelastometry to veterinary medicine: Amir Kol, Dori L. Borjesson Published in 2010.
  10. diego yañez

    The origins and molecular basis of antibiotic resistance

    Summary points Antibiotic resistance should be defined in terms of clinical outcomes, not laboratory methods Resistance occurs by means of four main mechanisms—more than one may be present in a single bacterium Resistance mechanisms have probably evolved from genes present in organisms producing...
  11. diego yañez

    Microbiology Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology

    Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology by G. R. Carter, Darla Wise Pages: 290 Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Edition: 6th., 2004 Language: English ISBN: 978-0813811796 Format: PDF Size: 98 Description The sixth edition of the popular Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology...
  12. diego yañez

    Cytopathology fundamentals (IN SPANISH)

    Title:Fundamentos de citopatologia Author:E. Candanosa, L. Chavez, L. Romero, A. Mesa THIS BOOK IS FULLY IN SPANISH! INDEX: Introduction to diagnostic cytopathology Cytologic samples Common and special stains in cytopathology Evaluation of cell damage, inflammation and reparation Neoplasms...
  13. diego yañez

    Rapid Interpretation of Heart and Lung Sounds

    Rapid Interpretation of Heart and Lung Sounds A Guide to Cardiac and Respiratory Auscultation in Dogs and Cats By Francis Smith, Bruce Keene, Larry Tilley Publisher: Ss Pages: 92 Edition: 2nd., 2006 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0721604269 ISBN-13 / EAN: 978-0721604268 Description Composed of an...
  14. diego yañez

    Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Volumes 1-3

    Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training Author: Steven R Lindsay Pages: Pack of 3 Volumen Set Publisher: Iowa Stae University Press Edition: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF Size: Vol.1, 3 MB; Vol.2, 2 MB & Vol.3, 5 MB. Description Twenty-five years of study and experience...
  15. diego yañez

    Dictionary of Farm Animal Behavior

    Dictionary of Farm Animal Behavior Author: J. F. Hurnik Pages: 200 Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Editon: 2nd., 1999 Language: English ISBN: 978-0813824642 Format: .zip Size: 5 MB Description Second edition of a dictionary that defines and describes the behaviour of farm animals. The...
  16. diego yañez

    Practical Conservation Biology

    Practical Conservation Biology Author: Mark Burgman, David Lindenmayer Pages: 624 Publisher: -- Edition: 2006 Language: English ISBN: 978-0643090897 Description The book reflects the latest thinking on key topics such as extinction risks, losses of genetic variability, threatening...
  17. diego yañez

    Guide to Raising Llamas: Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing, Profiting

    Guide to Raising Llamas: Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing, Profiting Author: Gale Birutta CONTENTS: PART I: GETTING STARTED Introduction to Llamas Buying Your First Llama Nutrition and Feeding Facilities and Equipment Health The Herd Sire The Dam Crias and Young Llamas Breeding Genetics and...
  18. diego yañez

    Dog anatomy: A pictorial approach to canine structure

    Dog Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Canine Structure Author: Peter C. Goody Pages: 144 Publisher: J. A. Allen Edition: 1998 Language: English ISBN: 978-0851316369 Format: PDF Size: 56 MB Description The core of "Dog Anatomy" are the 38 pages of detailed black and white drawings of the...
  19. diego yañez

    Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Pigs

    Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Pigs by R. Blair Pages: 240 Publisher: -- Edition: 2007 Language: English ISBN: 9781845931919 Description Organic animal production has increased rapidly in recent years to keep up with the increasing consumer demand for organic meats. There are many...
  20. diego yañez

    The Weaner Pig: Nutrition and Management

    The Weaner Pig: Nutrition and Management Author: M. A. Varley, J. Wiseman CONTENTS: Growth of the Young Weaned Pig Energy Requirements of the Young Pig Protein and Amino Acid Requirements of Weaner Pigs Starch Digestion in Piglets Non-starch Polysaccharides in the Diets of Young Weaned...