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    Solved 2 articles, same magazine

    Greetings Any help? Name of the Author: AldoVezzoniDVM, SCMPAaKevinBenjaminoDVMb Title of the Publication Canine Elbow Dysplasia: Ununited Anconeal Process, Osteochondritis Dissecans, and Medial Coronoid Process Disease Name of the Journal Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal...

    Request Biology, Host-Parasite Relationships, Impact and Management

    . Author(s) or Editor(s) The Oestrid Flies :Biology, Host-Parasite Relationships, Impact and Management Pages: 376 Pages Publisher:Edited by D Colwell, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, Canada, M Hall, Natural History Museum, London, UK, P Scholl, USDA, Lincoln, USA...

    Physiology Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, Thirteenth Edition

    Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, Thirteenth Edition by William O. Reece and Howard H. Erickson Pages: 760 Publisher: -- Edition: 13th., 2015 Language: English ISBN: 111850139X Description This fully revised new edition of the classic reference on domestic animal physiology...

    BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Neurology, 4e (2013) [PDF+DvD]

    [DVD] BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Neurology 4th. Edition By Simon Platt and Natasha Olby Pages: 552 pages - Includes DVD and Online Extras Publisher B*AVA Edition: 4th., 2013 Language: English ISBN 978-1905319343 Contents of the Book This best selling manual has been fully revised...

    Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI

    Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI is a highly illustrated diagnostic imaging guide to common clinical disorders of dogs and cats. Title: Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI Author(s) or Editor(s) : Erik Wisner; Allison Zwingenberger Pages: 704 pages Publisher: Edition : 1st Edition Pub date...

    The Gestating and Lactating Sow, 1e (2015)

    The last book on the lactating sow was published over 15 years ago. This new book brings us up to date in current knowledge on the gestating and lactating sow. It covers new and important topics such as conditioning of gilts for optimal reproductive performance, feeding high fibre diets to...

    Need this article please VCNA.SAP year 2000

    Greatings an someone get me this article, please? Name of the Author - Buchanan JW. Title of the Publication - Vertebral scale system to measure heart size in radiographs. Name of the Journal - Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice Volume, Issue und Pages-Clinical Radiology...

    A Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse

    A Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse by Cheryl L. C. Scudamore Pages: 248 Publisher: Edition: 2014 Language: English ISBN: 1119941202 PDF 12 MB Description A Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse provides a full-colour atlas of mouse histology. Mouse models of disease...

    The Dog Book: Dogs of Historical Distinction (Old House)

    The Dog Book: Dogs of Historical Distinction (Old House) by Kathleen Walker-Meikle Pages: 144 Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., 2014 Language: English ISBN: 978-1908402903 Description Excerpts: • Homer's Odysseus' ancient faithful dog Argos is the only one to recognize him when he...

    Don't Get Bitten: The Dangers of Things That Bite or Sting by Buck Tilton

    Don't Get Bitten: The Dangers of Things That Bite or Sting by Buck Tilton Pages: 95 Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., May 2003 Language: English ISBN: 978-0898869072 Description How to avoid and treat bites and stings from snakes, lizards, scorpions, wasps, fire ants, mosquitoes...

    The Cat Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Troubleshooting Tips, and Advice on Lifet

    The Cat Owner's Manual Operating Instructions, Troubleshooting Tips, and Advice on Lifetime Maintenance by David Brunner, Sam Stall Pages: 224 Publisher: Edition: 2004 Language: English ISBN: 1931686874 Description At Last! A Beginner's Guide to Feline Technology Scratch marks...

    Leishmaniosis. Una revisión actualizada

    Leishmaniosis. Una Revisión Actualizada by Laia Solano Gallego, Domenico Otranto Pages: 256 Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., 2013 Language...

    Wildlife and Infectious Animal Diseases

    "Wildlife and Infectious Animal Diseases" by Jørgen M. Westergaard, Pages: 42 Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., 2014 Language: English ASIN: B00JFT4JR2 Description Many infectious diseases of domestic animals and humans have reservoirs in wild animals. One of these diseases is rabies...

    Contingency Planning for Animal Diseases

    "Contingency Planning for Animal Diseases" by Jørgen M. Westergaard, Pages: 46 Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., 2014 Language: English ASIN: B00JFUPMO0 Description Baltic Seminar on "Contingency Planning for the next Decade" held 19 - 20 September 2012 Helsinki, Finland Outbreaks of...

    Request Molecular genetic studies in the dog; application to fragmented coronoid process (FCP) in

    Please help me on this thesis: Title: Molecular genetic studies in the dog; application to fragmented coronoid process (FCP) in the Labrador retriever = Moleculair genetisch onderzoek in de hond; toepassing op het los processus coronoideus (LPC) in de Labrador retriever Author: Everts, R.E...

    Veterinary Clinics of NA: SAP- Endoscopy-2001, Volume 31 issue 4

    Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice - Endoscopy-2001, volume 31 issue 4 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** passw: PS: issues 1,2 and 3 are available here on elib. issues 5 and 6...

    European Veterinary Ophthalmology Conference, Dublin 2010 Conference Folder and Abstracts

    Conference Folder and Abstracts *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** password: also, see the abstracts on Veterinary Ophthalmology: "Abstracts...

    Fungal Diseases: An Emerging Threat to Human, Animal, and Plant Health

    "Fungal Diseases: An Emerging Threat to Human, Animal, and Plant Health" Forum on Microbial Threats, Institute of Medicine, LeighAnne Olsen, Eileen R. Choffnes, David A. Relman, Leslie Pray, National Academic Press | 2011-09-08 | ISBN: 030921226X | 488 pages | PDF | 10,7 MB Fungal diseases...

    VetCoach: career reflections of veterinary professionals

    r Title VetCoach: career reflections of veterinary professionals Author(s) / Editor(s): Richard C.Nap, DVM Publisher: © 2009 Richard C. Nap Sponsors: Hills Pet Nutrition and Merial EMEA) Year Published: April 2009 Edition: (1st) ISBN-10 and / or ISBN-13: ISBN 978-90-5821-8-292 Size & Format...

    Request Poultry Inspection. Anatomy, phisiology and disease conditions

    hello dear friends.. can you help me with this request? Title : Poultry Inspection. Anatomy, phisiology and disease conditions Author(s) or Editor(s) : Grist, Andy Pages: 276 p. Publisher: Nottingham University Press Edition :2nd ed Pub date: 2006 ISBN-10: and/or ISBN-13: 978-1-904761-53-2...