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  1. Termit

    Physiology Physiology and ethology of animals

    Authors: Ippolitov T.V., Lysov V.F., Shevelev, N.S., Maximov V.I. Pages: 604 Publisher: KolosC Edition: 2th., 2012 Language: Russia ISBN: 978-5-9532-0826-0 Format: PDF Size: 43,6 MB Description Tutorial program meets on the physiology and ethology of animals approved by the Ministry of...
  2. Termit

    Physiology Lecture Notes

    Shoshin, I. Physiology. Version 1.0 [electronic resource]: summary of lectures /Russian ISBN 978-5-7638-1253-4 (12 MB). - PDF Krasnoyarsk: PKI SFU, 2008 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** This publication is part of an...
  3. Termit

    Pathology Atlas. Pathoanatomical and differential diagnosis

    Atlas. Pathoanatomical and differential diagnosis escherichiosis, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, enterotoxemia anaerobic, candidiasis, their associations and complications in young farm animals. Author: Salimov V.A. Publisher: Moscow - Kolos Year: 2001 Pages: 76 Language: Russian ISBN...
  4. Termit

    Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive tech (Russian)

    Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive tech [1999, DjVu, RUS] Authors: V. Nikitin, AP Studentsov, Shipilov VS Publisher: Kolos ISBN: 5-10-003372-X Format: DjVu Quality: Scanned Pages Number of pages: 495 Description: We consider anatomy and physiology of the reproductive...
  5. Termit

    Combined therapy and therapeutic techniques in veterinary medicine (Russian)

    Combined therapy and therapeutic techniques in veterinary medicine: Tutorial General editors: A.A. Stekolnikov Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: St. Petersburg, "Lan"; (21.10.2007) Language: Russian ISBN: 978-5-8114-0676-0 Format: Djvu (3,53 Mb) Description: The manual provides matererial of...
  6. Termit

    The structure of the respiratory system. PPT (Russian)

    Dr. Terajewicz Lecture on anatomy for veterinary assistants. or
  7. Termit

    Veterinary encyclopedia [CD] (Russian)

    Author: team Title: Veterinary encyclopedia Publisher: Directmedia Year: 2007 Language: Russian Format: ISO Size: 122MB The electronic version of the most authoritative scientific reference publications on veterinary medicine - "Veterinary Encyclopaedia," published by "The Great Soviet...
  8. Termit

    Novocain blockade in veterinary medicine.

    Novocaine Blockage in Veterinary Medicine Title: Novocain blockade in veterinary medicine. Author: Timofeev, SV, Shakurov MS, IG Galimzyanov Publisher: Kolos. Year: 2007. Format: pdf. Size: 5 mb Description We consider the indications for use and mechanisms of action of novocaine...
  9. Termit

    Anatomy Anatomy of the dog.(Rusian)

    Title: Anatomy of the dog. Author: NV Zelenevskaya. Publisher: Law and Management. Year: 1997 Language: Russian ISBN: 5-8113-0001-8 Format: pdf Size: 28 mb A brief description of the book:This book is a guide to the anatomy of the dog for veterinary doctors - internists, surgeons...
  10. Termit

    Anatomy of domestic animals.(Russian)

    Title: Anatomy of domestic animals Author: A. Akayev, Yudichev YF, NV Mikhailov, IV Khrustaleva Publisher: Kolos Year: 1984 Pages: 543 Format: DJVU Size: 16 mb Language: Russian A brief description of the book: The classic textbook on the anatomy of domestic animals, which must have in...
  11. Termit

    Anatomy Atlas of Anatomy of Domestic Animals (Russian)

    Title: Atlas of anatomy of domestic animals Author: I. P. Osipov Publisher: Aquarium-Print Capacity: 152 ISBN: 978-5-9934-0232-1 Series: The practice of veterinary Year: 2009 Format: DjVu Description: This atlas of anatomy of domestic animals is a very effective tool for studying the...