Search results

  1. drnaveengt

    Article from Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 2014

    Plz upload pdf of External Skeletal Fixation of Fractures in Cattle Susan R. Vogel, DVM, MSa, David E. Anderson, DVM, MSb, Link to Science direct article page:
  2. drnaveengt

    Bovine Blood Transfusion Articles

    I need these two articles: Article title Anemia and blood transfusion in cattle...
  3. drnaveengt

    Need this article from Vet Rec

    Effect of isoflupredone acetate on pregnancy in cattle. The Veterinary Record.‎ 1994;23(134):453-453 Its on this page (, but not available online. Please post the scan of this page.
  4. drnaveengt

    Skyscape programs for Windows phone (pocket PC)

    Download and install the trial versions ( 5 min canine feline consult, Vety drugs, Vet anaesthesia, Parasitology etc ) from the following link. You need to create a free skyscape account before downloading trial version. Use this keygen to...
  5. drnaveengt

    Palpation examination and topography of bovine female genitalia

    Palpation examination and topography of bovine female genitalia in different physio-pathologial conditions of reproduction is a lecture note prepared by Prof. Vishwanatha Reddy, Professor Emeritus Veterinary Gynaecology and obstetrics. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view...
  6. drnaveengt

    Application of Homeopathic medicines in Cattle

    This is a practical compendium of homeopathic treatment for various cattle diseases and conditions put together by two large animal practitioners in India, Dr. D. BALAKRISHNA RAO M.V.Sc and Dr. J. SRINIVASA RAO B.V.Sc. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text...
  7. drnaveengt

    Documentary Herriot's TV Series and Audiobooks

    Here's the Pagelink on Piratebay listing torrents of TV series based on James Herriot's - All Creatures Great and Small. Just found that there is much to learn through entertainment by watching the episodes of the series. Link...
  8. drnaveengt


    And the missing link saga by sachdeva continues
  9. drnaveengt

    veterinary dentis

    Don't repeat the same mistake:angry:
  10. drnaveengt

    Bovine Necropsy

    Here is a website by Colorado University which is very useful in learning necropsy procedure. Click here to view the page.