The free apps available are:
1) Flowchart detailing CPR of the newborn foal for veterinarians
2) Flowchart detailing CPR of the newborn foal for owners and stud personnel
3) Approach to the Carpal Flexor Sheath (veterinarians and veterinary students)
4) How to place a lateral thoracic catheter...
A really useful site for your statistical needs :great: Great for students, but everyone can make use of it!
Statistical Tables Calculator
Convert to Standard Scores
Data Transformation
Estimation of a Sample’s Mean and Variance from Its Median and...
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
The main goal of developing this web site was to give you the opportunity to learn basic surgical skills early in your veterinary training so that you can continue to build on these skills throughout your veterinary program. It is hoped this will...
Carnivore Anatomy Courseware
Dog and cat anatomy courseware & dissection images developed at the U of MN.
Ungulate Anatomy Courseware
Ungulate (equine, ruminant, camelid, porcine) anatomy courseware developed at the U of MN.
Developmental Anatomy Courseware
Veterinary Neurologic Exam
Veterinary Neurologic Exam not only educates students on how to perform a neurologic exam with illustrative movies, but it has the potential to change the way veterinarians practice medicine. With computers widely available in exam rooms, a clinician could use...
On this site you can currently view two 3D presentations of canine (dog) anatomy in your browser. The main presentation is a complete 3D dog bone set. We've also included a demonstration of work in progress that shows the main organs of the dog thorax. You don't need any special plugins, just a...
Greetings from Denmark. 4th year vet student here. I'm not really that new, but I haven't posted before. Just wanted to say thank you all for sharing. I've had good use of the books obtained here :)
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