Search results

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    Internal Medicine Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 9e (2024)

    Now Ettinger’s trusted, all-in-one veterinary resource is even better! Trusted by small animal veterinarians for more than 45 years, Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine adds new content on the field’s leading issues and trends to its unmatched, “gold standard coverage of the...
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    Essential Drug Data for Rational Therapy in Veterinary Practice

    Essential Drug Data for Rational Therapy in Veterinary Practice by Kingsley Eghianruwa Pages: 458 Publisher: -- Edition: 1, 2014 Language: English ISBN-13: 978-1491800003 ISBN-10: 1491800003 Description: This book, Essential Drug Data for Rational Veterinary Practice offers quick and easy...
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    Anestesia: Cane, gatto e animali non convenzionali

    Anestesia: Cane, gatto e animali non convenzionali by Antonello Bufalari, Adriano Lachin Pages: 640 Publisher: -- Edition: 2012 Language: Italian ISBN: 9788821430831 ISBN-10: 8821430839 Description: Questo volume nasce dall’idea di redigere un’opera ad ampio respiro sull’anestesia dei...
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    Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal: 2-Volume Set

    Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal: 2-Volume Set by Karen M. Tobias, Spencer A. Johnston Pages: 2128 Publisher: -- Edition: 2011 Language: English ISBN: 9781437707465 ISBN-10: 1437707467 Description: With detailed coverage of surgical procedures, Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal is an...
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    Various notifications problems

    Today I have had the decisive proof that something doesn't work properly in the forum. 1-I have received today the email of a new private message that I received the 13th of November in the forum inbox. 2-I have noticed that when my threads are moved from a section to another by moderators...
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    Manuale di patologia aviare

    Manuale di patologia aviare by ASDRUBALI, G., FIORETTI, A. Pages: 497 Publisher: -- Edition: 2009 Language: Italian ISBN: 9788895995571 ISBN-10: 8895995570 Description: "La patologia aviare, quale scienza applicata, ha avuto inizio nel nostro Paese negli anni sessanta, con la fondazione...
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    Citologia ed Ematologia del cane e del gatto

    Citologia ed Ematologia del cane e del gatto by R.L. Cowell, R.D. Tyler, J.H. Meinkoth, D.B. De Nicola, D. De Lorenzi Pages: 487 Publisher: Edition: 3rd , 2011 Language: Italian ISBN-13: 9788821430763 ISBN-10: 8821430766 Description Questa terza edizione di Citologia diagnostica ed ematologia...
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    Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of Domestic Animals

    Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of Domestic Animals by Peter Popesko Pages: 255 Publisher: -- Edition: 2012 Language: English Description: This is a self-made collection of the ebooks of 8 species: goat, rabbit, dog, cat, bovine, horse, swine, sheep. *** Hidden text: You do not have...
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    In-home Pet Euthanasia Techniques

    In-home Pet Euthanasia Techniques Kathleen Cooney Pages: 152 Publisher: -- Edition: 1st., 2011 Language: English ISBN: N/A Description This ebook is written for veterinarians, students, hospice providers, and technicians to help them gain comfort providing pet euthanasia in the home setting...
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    Anatomy Pictures of Veterinary Anatomy Series

    Pictures of Veterinary Anatomy by Clemens Knospe Body Cavities Pages: 161 Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. Edition: 2012 Language: English/German(mostly) Format: MOBI Size: 2,62 MB General Anatomy Pages: 32 Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. Edition: 2012 Language...
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    Atlante di anatomia del cane e del gatto 2nd Edition

    Atlante di Anatomia del Cane e del Gatto 2nd Edition by S.H. Done, P.C. Goody, S.A. Evans, N.C. Stickland Pages: 532 Publisher: Elsevier Edition: 2010 Language: Italian ISBN-13: 9788821431739 ISBN-10: 8821431738 DESCRIPTION La nuova edizione di questo volume, considerato una delle opere...
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    Collect the money to buy books

    I remember that some time ago there was an initiative to buy books collecting money from forum users. Is it still available? Recently I've found a 'pay 1 take 3 or more' way to obtain many different books (mobi or pdf format, no scanned versions) paying only one of them, so I would like to know...
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    Pathology Patologia Veterinaria Sistematica, 4th Edition

    Patologia veterinaria sistematica, 4th Edition by Donald M. McGavin, James F. Zachary Pages: 1152 Publisher: Elsevier Edition: 2010 Language: Italian ISBN-13: 9788821431586 ISBN-10: 8821431584 Format: MOBI Size: 34,6 MB DESCRIPTION Questo volume, rivolto a studenti, specializzandi e medici...
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    Patologia Sistematica Veterinaria

    Patologia Sistematica Veterinaria by Paolo S. Marcato Pages: 1496 Publisher: Edagricole Edition: 2002 Language: Italian ISBN-13: 9788850646562 ISBN-10: 8850646569 Description This is an atlas of veterinary systemic pathology. It contains among others a rich...