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  1. drvarundhup

    Pathology Textbook of comparative general pathology, for practitioners & students of vet medicine

    TEXT BOOK OF COMPARATIVE GENERAL PATHOLOGY, FOR PRACTITIONERS AND STUDENTS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE by Kitt, Theodor, Cadbury, William Warder, Smith, Allen John, Pages: 516 Publisher: -- Edition: 1906 Language: English ISBN: -- Description The introduction of students of veterinary...
  2. drvarundhup

    Pathology A text book of veterinary pathology for students and practitioners

    A TEXT BOOK OF VETERINARY PATHOLOGY FOR STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS Author: Kinsley, Albert Thomas, 1877 Pages: 430 Publisher: -- Edition: 1916 Language: English Subject: Veterinary pathology ISBN: 978-00028271761 Description A knowledge of pathology is essential to practitioners and to...
  3. drvarundhup

    Pathology Veterinary post-mortem technic (1918)

    VETERINARY POSTMORTEM TECHNIC Author: Crocker, Walter James, 1885- Pages: 264 Subject: Veterinary Pathology Publisher: -- Language: English Published: 1918 Description Post mortem (PM) is the procedure carried out after death to determine the cause of death. It is a specialised...
  4. drvarundhup

    5 min vet consult

    The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline (2005) Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; Edition Unknown Language English ISBN-10: 078174038X ISBN-13: 978-0781740388 File Size: 24.44 mb File Format: .exe Open winrar, extract and then install. Hope this is useful. *** Hidden text: You do not have...
  5. drvarundhup

    Mercks veterinary mannual 8th edition

    TITLE: MERCKS VETERINARY MANNUAL 8TH EDITION NAME OF AUTHOR(S) EDITOR(S): Susan E. Aiello Book Details: The Merck Veterinary Manual is the single most comprehensive electronic reference for animal care information. It is brought to you as a service ofMerck & Co., Inc., providing quality medical...