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    Developmental Biology (9th edition)

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    Request BSAVA Small Animal Formulary 8th
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    BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, 8e (2014)

    BSAVA Small Animal Formulary - 8th edition by Ian Ramsey Pages: 488 Published: Brit*sh Sm*ll Animal Vet*rinary Ass*ciation Edition: 8th, 2014 Language: English ISBN: 978 1905319657 Description Celebrating its twentieth anniversary, the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary remains the...
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    Encyclopedia of Amazon Parrots

    Description: Amazons are one of the groups of parrots most appreciated by pet lovers and bird breeders. They are easy to tame and train; they can be bred; and they are one of the least expensive groups of the larger parrots. The authors have written this book from first hand experience, and each...
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    Quick Reference Guide to Unique Pet Species

    Quick Reference Guide to Unique Pet Species Pages: 624 Publisher: Zoological Education Network, Inc. Edition: 2011 Language: English ISBN-10: 0-9706395-3-8 Format: PDF Size: 36.4 MB Description: The full-color, highly visual Quick Reference Guide to Unique Pet Species CD addresses husbandry...
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    Exotic DVM Veterinary Magazine

    Re: Exotic DVM Veterinary magazine Mirror: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Animal Life

    Book Description: Destined to be the ultimate authority on animal communities, Animal Life explores and explains every aspect of animal behavior, including courtship and mating rituals, family relationships and defense mechanisms, hunting techniques and feeding habits. Now in paperback! Number...
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    Life In The Wild

    Book Description: From the exquisite fragility of butterflies to the might and majesty of killer whales, explore the incredible diversity of life on Earth in this lavishly illustrated celebration of the animal kingdom. Filled with beautiful images of the natural world from around the globe...
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    Ducks: Tending a Small-Scale Flock for Pleasure and Profit (Hobby Farms)

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    Pigs: Keeping a Small-Scale Herd for Pleasure and Profit (Hobby Farm)

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    Goats: Small-scale Herding for Pleasure And Profit (Hobby Farms)

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    Herbs for pets the natural way to enhance your pet’s life , 2n ed

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    Laboratory Profiles Of Small Animal Diseases: A Guide to Laboratory Diagnosis

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    Parasitic Flatworms Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Physiology

    Updated 19/08/2012 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition

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    Encyclopedia of Aquarium & Pond Fish

    Encyclopedia of Aquarium & Pond Fish by David Alderton Pages:400 Publisher: -- Edition: (August 1, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 1405378824 ISBN-13: 978-1405378826 Description From Cyprinids to Blennies and Koi, this is a new edition of this complete owner's manual for keeping...
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    Veterinary Herbal Medicine

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    Exotic Companion Medicine Handbook for Veterinarians

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    Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment (1st edition, 2011)

    Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment by Anthony Farrell Pages: 2272 pages Publisher: Academic Press Edition: 1 edition (July 27, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0123745454 ISBN-13: 978-0123745453 Format and Size: 69.86MB PDF Description Fish form an...
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    MRI from A to Z: A Definitive Guide for Medical Professionals, 2nd Edition

    MRI from A to Z: A Definitive Guide for Medical Professionals, 2nd Edition Number of pages: 394 pages Publisher: Springer; Edition: 2nd ed. edition (October 8, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1849961344 ISBN-13: 978-1849961349 Product description: This second edition of Gary Liney’s...