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    Internal Medicine Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 9e (2024)

    Hi Mary Ellen, I fixed the link and now you should be able to download it. The file is not part of the Donator Club though, it is accessible to everyone.
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    Internal Medicine Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 9e (2024)

    Now Ettinger’s trusted, all-in-one veterinary resource is even better! Trusted by small animal veterinarians for more than 45 years, Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine adds new content on the field’s leading issues and trends to its unmatched, “gold standard coverage of the...
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    Essential Drug Data for Rational Therapy in Veterinary Practice

    Essential Drug Data for Rational Therapy in Veterinary Practice by Kingsley Eghianruwa Pages: 458 Publisher: -- Edition: 1, 2014 Language: English ISBN-13: 978-1491800003 ISBN-10: 1491800003 Description: This book, Essential Drug Data for Rational Veterinary Practice offers quick and easy...
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    Ciao, scusa se ti rispondo ora ma non visito il sito da un po'. Il file lo hai scaricato e...

    Ciao, scusa se ti rispondo ora ma non visito il sito da un po'. Il file lo hai scaricato e estratto dalla cartella zip dopo aver inserito la password? Se si prova a scaricare questo ( reader, è quello che uso io e mi apre...
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    Anestesia: Cane, gatto e animali non convenzionali

    Anestesia: Cane, gatto e animali non convenzionali by Antonello Bufalari, Adriano Lachin Pages: 640 Publisher: -- Edition: 2012 Language: Italian ISBN: 9788821430831 ISBN-10: 8821430839 Description: Questo volume nasce dall’idea di redigere un’opera ad ampio respiro sull’anestesia dei...