Search results

  1. M

    Evette [Veterinary Clinic Management Software] Free

    I installed mysql but I still can't start the program.
  2. M

    Evette [Veterinary Clinic Management Software] Free

    Where to find this file, no such a file on the download link? I looks very complicated to install and start the program. I lost 30 min searching on GNU site, and still circling. :(
  3. M

    Evette [Veterinary Clinic Management Software] Free

    Still not working. How the program is started?
  4. M

    Veterinary Center Management Software QVet 9.0.102

    I have same problem. Freeze on 32%, and i tried to download from the net, but same problem, this time on 19% on C:/windows/fonts/Ariblk.ttf. Some suggestion? Thanks p.s. I just noticed that the demo version can't be installed on windows 7
  5. M

    Veterinary radiology site

    Great link.. :great:
  6. M

    Why I cannot access downloads of some of the books..I can't press the thank you button

    Why I cannot access downloads of some of the books..I can't press the thank you button