2018 BIF Research Symposium and Convention • Proceeding Papers
Publisher: Beef Improvement Federation
Year: 2018
The Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, Colorado Livestock Association
and Colorado State University are excited to host the landmark 50th
Annual Meeting and Research Symposium.
The founding members’ vision to bring research to production in order to improve beef cattle
genetics continues to be at the forefront of this meeting, with sessions on improving carcass
traits, sustainability, EPDs and much more.
Publisher: Beef Improvement Federation
Year: 2018
The Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, Colorado Livestock Association
and Colorado State University are excited to host the landmark 50th
Annual Meeting and Research Symposium.
The founding members’ vision to bring research to production in order to improve beef cattle
genetics continues to be at the forefront of this meeting, with sessions on improving carcass
traits, sustainability, EPDs and much more.