Request Animal Feed Technology


Sep 2, 2009
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S S Kundu; S K Mahanta; Sultan Singh and P S Pathak, Satish Serial Pub, 2005, x, 347 p, ISBN : 81-89304-06-2
Contents: Preface. 1. Status of feed industry/D.D. Sharma. 2. Design and development of feed plant/D.M. Bhandarkar, P. Prakash, Ambalkar and Jai Singh. 3. Aqua feed plant-operation and maintenance/D.M. Bhandarkar, P. Prakash, Ambalkar and Jai Singh. 4. Feed industry in Southern India/K.T. Sampath, M. Chandrasekharaiah and A. Thulasi. 5. Oil cakes - quality and availability/D.M. Hegde. 6. Processing of oilseeds for cakes/S.M. Ilyas, R.K. Gupta and S.K. Tyagi. 7. Livestock situation and cereal demand/Anil Kumar, S.S. Kundu and S.B. Maity. 8. Cereal processing/K.R. Yadav. 9. Storage losses in feeds/Nand Kishore. 10. Bis specifications for feeds/B.S. Tewatia. 11. Gelatinization/A.K. Tyagi and Nitin Tyagi. 12. Feed microscopy/Ram Singh and S.S. Kundu. 13. Liquid feeds handling/Nityanand Pathak. 14. Feed plants and their management/Jai Singh. 15. Agro-industrial by products/S.K. Tomar and S.K. Sirohi. 16. Herbal feed additives/K.K. Singhal and S.S. Thakur. 17. Probiotics in small ruminants/T.K. Dutta and S.S. Kundu. 18. Protection of proteins and fats/S.K. Sirohi, T.K. Walli and S.K. Tomar. 19. UMMB supplement to straw based diet/M.R. Garg and B.M. Bhanderi. 20. Mineral mixture preparation/M. Parthasarathy. 21. Feed processing for pigs/R. Bhar and N.N. Pathak. 22. Pesticide residues in feeds/Subir K. Nag, Mukesh K. Raikwar, S.K. Mahanta and S.S. Kundu. 23. Antiquality factors in feeds/Brijesh K. Bhadoria. 24. Extrusion technology/G.V.N. Reddy and Y.R. Reddy. 25. Codex alimentarius : food safety and quality control/Arun Verma. Inde
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I'll try to get this book