Antimicrobial growth promoters Where do we go from here?


Jul 30, 2010
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Antimicrobial Growth Promoters
Where do we go from here?

edited by: D. Barug, J. de Jong, A.K. Kies and M.W.A. Verstegen


2006, 422 pages, E-book (pdf-file)

ISBN: 978-90-8686-570-3
DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-570-3
Price (€): 99.00 (excluding VAT)

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It is widely acknowledged that the inclusion of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs) in the diet of livestock increases growth rate. However, many questions arise on whether the benefits outweigh the risks, or vice versa. Recent legislative developments in the European Union and USA, recommendations by the World Health Organization, initiatives taken by the food chain, and consumer concerns all point to a widespread (voluntary) removal of antibiotic feed additives for animal growth promotion. In particular, Regulation (EC) 1831/2003 lays down provisions phasing out the authorisations of AGPs in the European Union as from 1 January 2006.
This book discusses how this will affect the use/non-use practice of AGPs. Attention is given to the current status and rational design of developments and strategies for animal feeding without the inclusion of AGPs. Topics covered include benefits and risks of AGPs, risk assessment, consumer concerns and demands, regulatory aspects and international developments, mode of action and innovative alternatives, and recent advances in the analysis of AGPs and related products.
This book contains peer-reviewed papers presented at the international conference "Antimicrobial Growth Promoters: Worldwide Ban on the Horizon?". The book is filled with valuable information on the pros and cons of use of AGPs as well as on alternative nutritional solutions. It is aimed at professionals and researchers in the feed and food industry.

Download table of contents of the book 'Antimicrobial growth promoters (e-book)'. (PDF file)

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