Request Applied Animal Reproduction - 6th Edition


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Jul 29, 2011
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Jordan Non-Veterinarian
Applied Animal Reproduction - 6th Edition


[h=3]Product Details
  • [TABLE="width: 100%"]
  • Media: Paperback Book, 448 pages
  • Language: English
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  • Publisher: Prentice Hall (Aug. 31st, 2003)

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  • ISBN-10: 0131128310

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  • ISBN-13: 9780131128316

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  • Dimensions: 6.96 x 9.56 x 0.85 inches

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  • Shipping Weight: 1.74 lbs

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  • Categories: Animal Husbandry Food Animal
About the Book[/h]Fresh and up-to-date, the sixth edition of "Applied Animal Reproduction" is perfect for anyone studying in the fields of animal science, dairy science, or pre-veterinary medicine. Providing a complete overview of animal reproductive processes, it is divided into five parts. Parts One and Two are designed to help the reader develop both the terminology needed to discuss reproductive problems associated with physiology of reproduction as well as understand the physiological processes controlling reproduction. Parts Three, Four, and Five emphasize the application of basic concepts to the management of reproduction in livestock. In fact, as the title suggests, this text is unique in the emphasis it places on the applied aspects of reproduction.
The authors have successfully endeavored to retain the book's overall writing style. There has been some reorganization and substantial revision with three new chapters replacing two chapters from earlier editions. These chapters are Mating Behavior (Chapter 7), Synchronization of Estrus and Superovulation with Embryo Transfer (Chapter 18), and Reproductive Biotechnology (Chapter 19). Other new features of this edition are sections on hormone-like factors and other hormonal mediators, and methods for measuring reproductive hormones in Neuroendocrine and Endocrine Regulators of Reproduction (Chapter 4), immunological considerations during pregnancy in Gestation (Chapter 9), biosynthesis of milk in Lactation (Chapter 11), and Physiological, Toxicological, and Psychological Causes of Reproductive Failure (Chapter 25). Color plates representative of material covered in the book are found in two locations
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