Artificial Insemination Technology in Alpacas


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Australia Small Animal Veterinarian
Artificial Insemination Technology in Alpacas

98 pages
Published: 1 Nov 2003
Author(s): Jane Vaughan, David Galloway, David Hopkins
ISBN: 0-642-58670-5

The primary aim of this project was to develop the technology for artificial insemination in alpacas in association with acceptable pregnancy rates following AI. The project was broken down into 5 steps to achieve this aim: 1. Consistent and reliable collection of semen 2. Characterisation of semen to allow selection of suitable ejaculates for preservation 3. Chilling of alpaca semen 4. Freezing of alpaca semen 5. Artificial insemination of females.

Continued Development of Artificial Insemination Technology in Alpacas

202 pages
Published: 18 Jul 2008
Author(s): K Morton, J Vaughan, W Maxwell
ISBN: 1-74151-646-3

The aim of this project was to develop the technology for artificial insemination (AI) in alpacas by establishing efficient and reliable methods for the collection, processing, preservation and artificial insemination of alpaca semen, continuing the work of RIRDC project AAA-1A (publication 03/104).This report provides information about the artificial breeding of alpacas. The information contained in this report is aimed at breeders and veterinarians in the Australian alpaca industry, and camelid scientists. Background information about sperm assessment, physiology and preservation is provided to increase the knowledge of breeders and practitioners who may not have experience with this topic.
