Request Biological Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress

Dr VetTox

Moderator Of Veterinary Journals
Feb 11, 2009
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Egypt Non-Veterinarian

1-888569-28-X, 9781888569285

Title:Biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem stress

Author:S. Marshall Adams

Copyright: 2002

Publisher: American Fisheries Society


A practical guide to the use of biocriteria for assessment of the effects of environmental stressors on aquatic ecosystems and organisms, especially fish. Written by scientists who are the best in their fields, this book provides helpful information for designing and applying bioindicators in the field to reliably assess the health of aquatic organisms and the ecosystems. This volume may be used as a manual for scientists, students, and others, in a variety of disciplines and applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Biological Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress: Introduction and Overview S. Marshall Adams
  2. Biochemical Responses as Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Health Daniel Schlenk and Richard T. Di Giuilo
  3. Molecular Biomarkers in Aquatic Organisms: DNA Damage and RNA Expression Isaac I. Wirgin and Christopher W. Theodorakis
  4. Physiological and Condition-Related Indicators of Environmental Stress in Fish Bruce A. Barton, John D. Morgan, and Mathilakath M. Vijayan
  5. Genetic Responses as Population-Level Biomarkers of Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems Christopher W. Theodorakis and Isaac I. Wirgin
  6. Immunological Indicators of Environmental Stress and Disease Susceptibility in Fishes Charles D. Rice and Mary R. Arkoosh
  7. Histopathological Biomarkers as Integrators of Anthropogenic and Environmental Stressors Mark S. Myers and John W. Fournie
  8. Evaluating Stress in Fish Using Bioenergetics-Based Stressor-Response Models Daniel W. Beyers and James A. Rice
  9. Reproductive Indicators of Environmental Stress in Fish Mark S. Greeley, Jr.
  10. Assessing Fish Population Responses to Stress Michael Power
  11. Behavioral Measures of Environmental Stressors in Fish Edward E. Little
  12. Community-Level Indicators of Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems Martin J. Attrill
  13. Integration of Population, Community, and Landscape Indicators for Assessing Effects of Stressors Donald L. DeAngelis and John L. Curnutt
  14. Assessing Contaminant-Induced Stress Across Levels of Biological Organization Lyndal L. Johnson and Tracy K. Collier
  15. Statistical Considerations in the Development, Evaluation, and Use of Biomarkers in Environmental Studies Eric P. Smith
  16. Biomarkers and Bioindicators in Monitoring and Assessment: The State of the Art Peter V. Hodson
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