Chromatography Collection Books


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Jul 22, 2009
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Illustrated Pocket Dictionary of Chromatography
Wiley-Interscience | ISBN:0471200212 | English | 2004 | RAR | 9.9 MB
Book Description:
Provides concise definitions, illustrations, formulas, and all of the other information that you need in a laboratory chromatography reference
The Illustrated Pocket Dictionary of Chromatography offers the perfect quick reference to the parameters, systems, and components that support successful chromatographic separations. Concise, practical, and filled with detailed drawings, diagrams, and photographs, this pocket dictionary is designed for easy use in the laboratory. It provides a complete, up-to-date reference on analytical techniques such as gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, thin layer chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis as well as preparation techniques such as solid phase extraction and microextraction.
The Illustrated Pocket Dictionary of Chromatography features:
* Explanations of key concepts
* Equations and formulas
* Parameters
* High-quality photographs of instruments, equipment, and components
* References for further research
* Explanations of common acronyms

Ideal for the working chemist or technician in pharmaceutical, industrial, forensic, government, or other lab settings, the Illustrated Pocket Dictionary of Chromatography is also appropriate as a supplemental reference for analytical chemistry courses and labs. Students and analysts alike will find this compact yet comprehensive resource a valuable companion to their work in chromatography.
Basic Gas Chromatography
Publisher: Wiley | Pages: 256 | 2009-06-29 | ISBN 0470439548 | PDF | 9 MB
The New Edition of the Well-Regarded Handbook on Gas Chromatography
since the publication of the highly successful first edition of Basic Gas Chromatography, the practice of chromatography has undergone several notable developments. Basic Gas Chromatography, Second Edition covers the latest in the field, giving readers the most up-to-date guide available, while maintaining the first edition's practical, applied approach to the subject and its accessibility to a wide range of readers.
The text provides comprehensive coverage of basic topics in the field, such as stationary phases, packed columns and inlets, capillary columns and inlets, detectors, and qualitative and quantitative analysis. At the same time, the coverage also features key additions and updated topics including:
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
Sampling methods
Multidimensional gas chromatography
Fast gas chromatography
Gas chromatography analysis of nonvolatile compounds
Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography (Fourth Edition)
Wiley-Interscience | ISBN: 0471229830 | 2004-06-11 | PDF | 1064 pages | 8.55 Mb

The bible of gas chromatography-offering everything the professional and the novice need to know about running, maintaining, and interpreting the results from GC Analytical chemists, technicians, and scientists in allied disciplines have come to regard Modern Practice of Gas Chomatography as the standard reference in gas chromatography. In addition to serving as an invaluable reference for the experienced practitioner, this bestselling work provides the beginner with a solid understanding of gas chromatographic theory and basic techniques. This new Fourth Edition incorporates the most recent developments in the field, including entirely new chapters on gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS); optimization of separations and computer assistance; high speed or fast gas chromatography; mobile phase requirements: gas system requirements and sample preparation techniques; qualitative and quantitative analysis by GC; updated information on detectors; validation and QA/QC of chromatographic methods; and useful hints for good gas chromatography. As in previous editions, contributing authors have been chosen for their expertise and active participation in their respective areas. Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography, Fourth Edition presents a well-rounded and comprehensive overview of the current state of this important technology, providing a practical reference that will greatly appeal to both experienced chomatographers and novices.
Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts
by James M. Miller
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 1 edition (January 4, 1988) | ISBN: 0471848212 | Pages: 320 | DJVU | 2.43 MB
Chromatography has become the most widely used technique for separation and analyses. Because a great deal of information is available on the three main types--gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), and thin layer chromatography (TLC)--they are usually treated separately despite their common theoretical base.
This comprehensive work presents a unified study of chromatography which introduces the principles shared by each method while emphasizing the similarities and differences between the three types. The chapters covering these methods build on the introductory coverage of common principles, providing an effective overview of the subject for novices and allowing practitioners to more easily switch from one technique to another. In addition, this approach permits the use of one set of terms and symbols, making learning easier. Includes several practical examples the ways in which GC, LC, and TLC operate, as well as a section on special techniques such as chiral separations and derivatization.

Chromatography of Alkaloids. Gas-liquid Chromatography and High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Pt. B by R. Verpoorte
Publisher: Elsevier Science (January 15, 1984) | ISBN: 044442265X | Pages: 466 | PDF | 5.78 MB
The first of two books which provide an unparalleled reference source and handbook for everyone involved with alkaloid analyses. The first volume gives a comprehensive summary of the literature on thin layer chromatography of alkaloids. It presents the most effective methods for the separation and detection of alkaloids occurring in plant material, biological material, pharmaceutical preparations and drugs of abuse.

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry_An Introduction
Author: R. E. Ardrey / Robert E. Ardrey

Product Details
pages: 276 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Published Online: 21 May 2003 Series: Analytical Techniques in the Sciences (AnTS)
ISBN: 0471497991
Format: pdf
Size: 2 MB
First explaining the basic principles of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry and then discussing the current applications and practical benefits of LC-MS, along with descriptions of the basic instrumentation, this title will prove to be the indispensable reference source for everyone wishing to use this increasingly important tandem technique.
  • First book to concentrate on principles of LC-MS
  • Explains principles of mass spectrometry and chromatography before moving on to LC-MS
  • Describes instrumental aspects of LC-MS
  • Discusses current applications of LC-MS and shows benefits of using this technique in practice
This series of books provides coverage of all of the major analytical techniques and their application in the most important areas of physical, life and materials science. Each text is presented in an open learning/distance learning style, in which the learning objectives are clearly identified. The reader's understanding of the material is constantly evaluated by the use of self-assessment and discussion questions. The combination of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has been a routine analytical tool for many years, while the related hybrid technique of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a rather more recent development. However, with the advent of new interfacing technology, the benefits of this powerful hybrid analytical method are now currently being realised, as witnessed by the exponential growth in applications of this technique in both the chemical and life sciences. The topics covered in this text include the following: The basic principles of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The limitations of the component techniques when used in isolation, and how a combination of the two allows these to be overcome. Descriptions of the various approaches, including thermospray, electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, which are used to interface the two techniques, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Illustrative examples of the applications of LC-MS, including the molecular weight and structure determinations of both biopolymers and low-molecular-compounds, along with the development of quantitative methods. Key features include: The provision of many discussion and self-assessment questions throughout the text, thus providing opportunities for testing the reader's understanding of the subject matter. Presented in the AnTS (open learning/distance learning) style, it is ideal for use as both a self-study guide and as the basis of a taught course.

Encyclopedia of Chromatography
Marcel Dekker | ISBN 0824741234 | Package edition (June 2001) | PDF | 75.8 Mb | 927 pages
Journal of the American Chemical Society
"…a valuable resource for information on chromatographic techniques and methodologies." --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Journal of Planar Chromatography
"…contains a wealth of information on chromatography and related techniques." --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
…a wealth of information.
-Journal of Planar Chromatography
…well-written and well-documented…should be seriously considered for inclusion in university, industrial, and government libraries.
-James T. Stewart, Ph.D.
…of enormous value.
-Journal of Food Biochemistry
Book Description
In step with novel technologies and methodologies that have reshaped chromatography in recent years, this supplement reviews developments in HPLC, TLC, SFC, CCC, and other areas-presenting 50 authoritative entries filled with practical information vital to applications from biotechnology to environmental science to clinical pathology.

Book Info
A single-source volume for current information on the state-of-the-art in chromatographic techniques and methodologies for the solution of analytic and preparative problems in numerous scientific fields. Includes applications in food science, pharmaceuticals, nuclear chemistry, toxicology, pathology, and environmental science. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Affinity Chromatography: Methods and Protocols

Humana Press | ISBN: 0896036944 | April 14, 2000 | PDF | 240 pages | 1.58 Mb
Well-versed practitioners detail powerful affinity chromatography methods, ranging from such traditional affinity purification as immunoaffinity chromatography, to the use of state-of-the-art phage-display technology in the discovery of affinity ligands and drugs. Also included are effective and reproducible separations of such small molecules as haptens, protein ligands, and supramolecular structures. Each chapter is devoted to a specific technique and includes an introduction, an explanation of principles, a detailed materials list, and step-by-step instructions that ensure experimental success. Practical notes suggest alternative procedures and describe how to overcome problems that may occur. State-of-the-art and eminently instructive, Affinity Chromatography: Methods and Protocols offers novice and experienced scientists alike a comprehensive collection of proven and readily reproducible techniques that are ideally suited for use not only in drug discovery and development, but also in work on affinity interactions, fermentations, separations, drug targeting, and cell culture

Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition

Wiley | 2009 | ISBN: 0470167548 | 912 pages | PDF | 7,4 MB
The latest edition of the authoritative reference to HPLC
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is today the leading technique for chemical analysis and related applications, with an ability to separate, analyze, and/or purify virtually any sample. Snyder and Kirkland's Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography has long represented the premier reference to HPLC. This Third Edition, with John Dolan as added coauthor, addresses important improvements in columns and equipment, as well as major advances in our understanding of HPLC separation, our ability to solve problems that were troublesome in the past, and the application of HPLC for new kinds of samples.
This carefully considered Third Edition maintains the strengths of the previous edition while significantly modifying its organization in light of recent research and experience. The text begins by introducing the reader to HPLC, its use in relation to other modern separation techniques, and its history, then leads into such specific topics as:
The basis of HPLC separation and the general effects of different experimental conditions
Equipment and detection
The column—the "heart" of the HPLC system
Reversed-phase separation, normal-phase chromatography, gradient elution, two-dimensional separation, and other techniques
Computer simulation, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and method validation and quality control
The separation of large molecules, including both biological and synthetic polymers
Chiral separations, preparative separations, and sample preparation
Systematic development of HPLC separations—new to this edition
Troubleshooting tricks, techniques, and case studies for both equipment and chromatograms
Designed to fulfill the needs of the full range of HPLC users, from novices to experts, Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition offers the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and accessible survey of HPLC methods and applications available.

Chromatography of Antibiotics: Journal of Chromatography Library
by Gerald H. Wagman
Publisher: Elsevier Publishing Company; 2 Rev Sub edition (March 1984) | ISBN: 044442007X | Pages: 504 | PDF | 17.60 MB
When the first edition of this volume appeared ten years ago, it was anticipated that progress in antibiotic research and discovery would continue at a productive rate. It would give a great sense of satisfaction if it would be possible to ascertain that the information presented in the initial edition was in some way responsible for an acceleration of the discovery process. That was its objective. Now it is necessary to keep up with the times. Along with the discovery of new antibiotics came the development of new chromatographic analytical techniques. One of these that has been refined for rapid and precise detection and identification is high-performance liquid chromatography, customarily abbreviated HPLC. This revised cdition contains a significant amount of methodology and data based upon HPLC. Columns are packed with particles having an average diameter of less than 50 pm, the telocity of the mobile phase is increased by means of a high inlet pressure, and sensitive sample detectors are applied to the column effluent. This valuable tool is included in this latest volume for numerous antibiotics for which it has been reported. Likewise, there is a significant increase in the text of data obtained by thin-layer chromatography, whenever it has been reported. Modifications of methods to increase the speed of paper or thin-layer separations have also resulted in new data being presented in this volume.

The Essence of Chromatography
Book Description:
The Essence of Chromatography presents a comprehensive survey of modern chromatography and is intended as a suitable text for graduate level courses in the separation sciences and as a self-study guide for professional chromatographers wishing to refresh their background in this rapidly expanding field.
This title is an effective replacement for Chromatography Today, written by the same author with Salwa K. Poole, which is considered to be one of the definitive chromatographic texts of the last decade. Its format is modular, with extensive cross-references to permit rapid location of related material using different separation concepts. Important features are extensive tabulation of essential data for performing separations and an extensive bibliography to the most recent literature.
· Comprehensive and authoritative coverage of chromatographic techniques
· Contains extensive coverage of recent literature on this subject
· Ideal text for graduates and suitable for professional chromatographers

Handbook of Affinity Chromatography, Second Edition (Chromatographic Science)

Chromatography in Food Science and Technology

HPLC: A Practical Guide (Chromatography Monographs)