Clinical Avian Medicine

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Germany Small Animal Veterinarian
Clinical Avian Medicine
Volumes I & II, 1st edition (2005)

by Greg Harrison and Theresa Lightfoot


Publisher: --
Edition: 1st., 2005.
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0975499405


Two volume publication • Both books printed entirely in full colour (over 1000 colour images in Vol 1 and 300 in Vol 2) • Fresh perspectives on common clinical disorders and practical solutions • Current scientific data relevant to clinical avian practice • Practical, useful diagnostic support in the areas of physical examination, nutriotnal evaluation, hematology, biochemistries and endoscopy • Innovative imaging techniques • Breakthrough contributions in the areas of integrative medicine, wellness programs, preventive medicine and screening and low-risk pest control • Three-section chapter on avian behaviour and behaviour modification • Update on macrorhabdosis (formerly megabacteria) • Broad-based referenced formulary and full chapter on pain management • Step-by-step surgical procedures and techniques • Extensive review of renal pysiology and diseases

Volume I
1. Clinical Practice
2. The Companion Bird
3. Concepts in Behavior
(Section I) Natural Science of Behavior
(Section II) Early Psittacine Behavior & Development
(Section III) Pubescent & Adult Psittacine Behavior - Liz Wilson, Teresa L Lightfoot
4. Nutritional Considerations
(Section I) Nutrition and Dietary Supplementation
(Section II) Nutritional Disorders
5. Calcium Metabolism
6. Maximizing Information from the Physical Examination
7. Emergency and Critical Care
8. Pain Management
9. Therapeutic Agents
10. Integrative Therapies
11. Low Risk Pest Management
12. Evaluating and Treating the Cardiovascular System
13. Integument
14. Evaluating and Treating the Gastrointestinal System
15. Evaluating and Treating the Liver

Volume II

16. Evaluating and Treating the Kidneys
17. Evaluating and Treating the Nervous System
18. Evaluating and Treating the Reproductive System
19. Endocrine Considerations
20. Overview of Tumors
(Section I) Clinical Avian Neoplasia and Oncology
(Section II) A Retrospective Study of Case Submissions to a Specialty Diagnostic Service
21. Preventive Medicine and Screening
22. Diagnostic Value of Hematology
23. Diagnostic Value of Biochemistry
24. Diagnostic Value of Endoscopy and Biopsy
25. Advances in Diagnostic Imaging
26. Diagnostic Value of Necropsy
27. Update on Chlamydophilia Psittaci
28. Implication of Mycobacteria in Clinical Disorders
29. Implications of Mycoses in Clinical Disorders
30. Implications of Macrorhabdus in Clinical Disorders
31. Implications of Toxins in Clinical Disorders
32. Implications of Viruses in Clinical Disorders
33. Updates in Anesthesia and Monitoring
34. Surgical Resolution of Orthopedic Disorders
35. Surgical Resolution of Soft Tissue Disorders
36. Waterfowl
37. Racing Pigeons
38. Fowl
39. Canaries, Finches & Mynahs
40. Raptors
41. Ratites
42. Zoo and Park Birds

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