Dairy Production Medicine


Dec 12, 2009
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Chile Large Animal Veterinarian
Dairy Production Medicine


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By Carlos Risco (Editor), Pedro Melendez (Editor)

This comprehensive book integrates new technology and concepts that have been developed in recent years to manage dairy farms in a profitable manner. The approach to the production of livestock and quality milk is multidisciplinary, involving nutrition, reproduction, clinical medicine, genetics, pathology, epidemiology, human resource management and economics. The book is structured by the production cycle of the dairy cow covering critical points in cow management. Written and edited by highly respected experts, this book provides a thoroughly modern and up-to-date resource for all those involved in the dairy industry.


Preface. Acknowledgments.
1 Management Considerations from Parturition to the End of the Voluntary Waiting Period to Optimize Health and Reproductive Performance (Carlos A. Risco).
2 Nutritional Management of the Prepartum Dairy Cow (Pedro Melendez).
3 Calving Management: A Team Approach (Maarten Drost).
4 Monitoring Health and Looking for Sick Cows (Carlos A. Risco and Mauricio Benzaquen).
5 Nutritional Management of Lactating Dairy Cows (José Eduardo P. Santos).
6 Reproductive Management in Dairy Cows (Julian A. Bartolome and Louis F. Archbald).
7 Reproductive Management of Lactating Dairy Cows for First Postpartum Insemination (José Eduardo P. Santos).
8 Applications of Ultrasonography in Dairy Cattle Reproductive Management (Jill D. Colloton).
9 Resynchronization of Estrus, Ovulation, and Timed Insemination in Lactating Dairy Cows (Julian A. Bartolome and William W. Thatcher).
10 Diseases that Affect the Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cattle (Carlos A. Risco and Pedro Melendez).
11 Infectious Reproductive Diseases (Victor S. Cortese).
12 Economics of Reproductive Performance (Albert De Vries).
13 Managing Reproduction During Heat Stress in Dairy Cows (Peter J. Hansen).
14 Immunology and Vaccination of Dairy Cattle (Victor Cortese).
15 Management of Dairy Calves from Birth to Weaning (Sheila M. McGuirk).
16 Nutritional Management of Dairy Heifers (Pedro Melendez).
17 Management Strategies to Optimize Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy (Heifers Maria Belen Rabaglino).
18 Managing Mastitis and Producing Quality Milk (Pamela L. Ruegg).
19 Lameness in Dairy Cattle (Jan K. Shearer and Sarel R. van Amstel).
20 Management Strategies for Optimizing Forage Quality for Dairy Production (Adegbola T. Adesogan).
21 Applied Statistical Analyses for Dairy Production Pablo J. Pinedo).
22 Dairy Records Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (Michael W. Overton).
23 Managing People in Today's Production Dairy Environment (David P. Sumrall).
24 Practical Genetics (Donald Bennick).
25 Euthanasia Techniques for Dairy Cattle (Jan K. Shearer and Jim P. Reynolds).
26 Managing Herd Health in Organic Herds (Juan S. Velez).
  • Hardcover: 380 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (14 Oct 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 0813815398
  • ISBN-13: 978-081381539

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